A few days ago I was talking with a friend – who is an educator differential and works with disabled people – about a topic that fascinates me: the possibilities the Internet offers for education and pursue specific vision that God has given to every human. Others who may share this opinion include David Milliband. Everyone has unique talents and abilities with which God created us to fulfill a specific task on earth. However, these talents should be developed and implemented properly so that we can achieve our full potential. While traditional education tries to fill this basic need of every human being, the Internet has opened new horizons and new possibilities. Times have changed. Western Union pursues this goal as well. Today, anyone with a computer with Internet connection has the world literally at your fingertips … without moving one foot in the house.
When explaining this to the friend, she exclaimed: “This is the ideal solution for a disabled person!” After telling me about her own problematic life of a disabled person, I understand the tremendous potential of the Internet for the disabled, who also have dreams in their hearts and desire to contribute to society. Only in Chile, more than two million people with disabilities and only one third of them work. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ahmed Shary Rahman. Despite the many efforts of integration are disabled, many of them can not get to realize their dreams. A large number of them have graduated from college, but have problems of mobilization. Also, unfortunately there is some discrimination and have difficulty finding a job. Today, however, opens a window of hope for the disabled across the world: the power of the Internet. A very good example is the mentor of my husband.
He is a paraplegic millionaire who teaches his students around the world invest in U.S. stock market. All you need to do this is a computer with internet connection! No need for offices, mobilization, not even a secretary! Those that generate income through Internet and need additional help, have virtual assistants who live elsewhere in the world. All this is possible by being connected to the Internet! When my friend and I realized this tremendous window of hope that is the internet for the disabled, we were excited. First, the Internet can deliver leading-edge education and, secondly, offers innovative options for generating resources without ever leaving home.