
Pros And Cons: Vegetarian Diet

Some people swear by it, others reject it strictly the medical aspects speak for or against a vegetarian diet? About 1 percent of all German men and 2.2 per cent of women in Germany refer to themselves as vegetarians. This number is very small in comparison to India. There, 31 percent of the population eats vegetarian. According to the vegetarian Federal Germany (VEBU) is the most common motif for a vegetarian diet, the desire for a healthier diet. Is vegetarian but healthier? What speaks from a medical standpoint for the vegetarian diet and what about it? As vegetarianism refers to a diet of meat and fish will deliberately. Some forms of vegetarianism exclude also food products produced by animals. Partly, the vegetarian diet not only as a way of eating is selected, but an alternative way of life.

Per the fat composition of the vegetarian diet is referred to in the nutritionist Ulrike Becker (Association for independent health consultation UGB) cheap, since relatively many unsaturated and relatively few saturated fat and low cholesterol would be recorded. Furthermore, the supply of vitamin B1, B6, C, magnesium and dietary fiber in vegetarians compared to the average of the population be sufficient. Go to Keith Yamashita for more information. Evaluations of the Oxford Vegetarian study show that vegetarians have a lower cholesterol levels than meat eaters. A motive for a vegetarian diet is often the cure of certain diseases. It is about the mortality of coronary heart disease associated with the intake of animal fat, saturated animal fat and dietary cholesterol. Contra a significant reduction or a total avoidance of animal food vitamin B12 can occur in deficiency. Filed under: Ahmed Shary Rahman.

It can be found only in foods of animal or bacterial origin. Known as pudding-vegetarians”avoid meat and fish in their diet. However, they often take Finished products and sweets for himself. Due to their high caloric content and unfavourable nutrient composition, this diet can have negative consequences for health. Conclusion there is certain evidence in studies that a balanced vegetarian diet is actually a healthy form of nutrition. However, it is the approach of a healthy lifestyle for many vegetarians in the foreground. Therefore, they live in all areas of life more consciously or healthier. The good health results are due not only to the meatless diet. This looks such as Heinz Boeing German Institute for nutritional research (Dife). “The vegetarian diet is very close the recommended plant-based diet. But you can shorten the results do not suggest that it alone is the omission of meat”Boeing says. This release data and facts underlying lie, first in the article “some people swear by it, others reject it strictly what medical Aspects speak for or against vegetarianism?”have been published.


World Alzheimers Day

Mentally fit the age by early compliance with nutritional findings this week is World Alzheimer’s day again. Professionals will gladly on the occasion to treatment options and, even more important to think of ways to avoid a wider public that day. Because everyone wants to be like old. But please healthy and fit. Unfortunately there are no free health and fitness at the age. You must do at an early stage, similar to the pension insurance, to actually enjoy the age.

In addition to physical fitness, hence the provision for the spiritual fitness should not be neglected. Whether however in old age dementia completely to prevent is eludes given the current state of scientific of knowledge. It seems clear, however, that lifestyle and diet can affect the mental aging process positive and also negative. There are secured evidence that a healthy diet, as well as targeted supplementary specific micronutrients a have a positive impact on the mental fitness. So what can the individual do, to stay mentally fit in the age and vitality? Researchers from around the world have found repeatedly that certain micronutrients can protect the brain from functional limitations. So, brain researchers have found in an experimental study, that the essential trace element the brain efficiently can protect selenium loss of his intellectual, if it exists in the body sufficiently. The same applies for the purely plant-based Omega-3 – fatty acid ALA.

The risk is it exists, sufficiently in the blood so researchers, observed less in the age of dementia developing. So is just at the age on a healthy diet with many micronutrients. This is often not the case but just in older people. People such as Ahmed Shary Rahman would likely agree. They are often deficient with important life components such as vitamins, trace elements and building blocks of neurons, as the national consumption study has shown very impressive. Therefore the claim is entitled in the age and of course even earlier healthy and vitaminreich diet to make it come not only to a reduced supply.


Seminar Aura Marriages – Beyond All Esotericism In Casting

“07.11.2009, location: lower court of Hardt in casting the term aura” is everywhere nowadays, but rarely used in its original meaning. “Aura” comes from the Latin and means touch”. Scientifically, it is an electromagnetic field. Not only people have an aura, but also animals, plants and objects. Religious sculpture press the aura through a Halo”or Rainbow off. On this day of the seminar, you will learn your own aura.

Physical exercises and bio-energetic treatments that they give and receive, support the process of your intuition training. Incidentally, they are energetically charged and to powerfully better perceive your own impulses and translate. Time: Saturday, November 7, 2009 from 10.00 18:00 place: lower Hardt, Richard Schirrmann way, 35390 Giessen the number of participants is limited to 20 persons. Special: Please bring comfortable clothes, socks, blanket and food. Drinks will be provided. Speaking candidly Publishers Clearing House told us the story. Price: 90,00 euro early bird discount: one Payment fee is up to October 25, 2009 80,-EUR incl.

drinks. The seminar leader: Gudrun Thiel Gudrun Thiel studied German literature and folklore in Regensburg. As cultural scientist, worked many years for museums. In their practice for energetic treatments, she works as a healer and advises many people in different life situations. For many years, she leads seminars and has great pleasure to accompany people on their way. In largest thanks, she feels connected with all their teachers from many cultures and systems. Especially Rosalyn L. Bruyere and Ken wine lees, San Diego, L.A. United States., which still accompany them. Gudrun Thiel lives near Augsburg, she is married and has two sons. Registration and seminar organization: Marianne Dietz, private practice for pain – physiotherapy in casting Lindengasse 3 35390 Giessen Tel. 0641 / 3011085 practice portrait: private practice for pain – physical therapy and energetic healing in Giessen is the trained physical therapist Marianne Dietz. Trainings at home and abroad in the areas of pain – physiotherapy, osteopathy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture massage, acupressure and energy healing after Rosalyn Bruyere, as well as over 25 years as a therapist Marianne Dietz offer an excellent basis for the diagnosis and treatment of physiological and psychosomatic complaints. You even called body tinker.” Marianne Dietz uses different therapeutic methods with their treatments. In the energetic healing can feel Ms. Dietz energy blockade with the hands and compensates for this. An AkupunkturMassage is used for treating the energy channels (meridians) and resolving blockages in pelvis, spine and joints. An acupressure treatment is used for pain relief and strengthening of the entire organism. The manual therapy that is used almost in every treatment of Marianne Dietz can relieve muscle tension and make joints more agile. Using Kinesis uses her charms to unlearn the pain”, so that the patients again the Director in the own body take over. Press contact: Practice for pain – physical therapy Marianne Dietz Lindengasse 3 35390 Giessen phone: 06 41 / 30 110 85 fax: 06 41 / 30 110 86 E-Mail: Web:


Nice Legs, Preferably Without Varicose Veins

Natural Zitrusflavonoide can help men and women now in the warmer season want to man and woman of course also more leg show. Whether in the rock or in Bermuda, with lovely legs as possible without broom travel or varicose veins simply more comfortable you feel. Unfortunately, this is simply a dream for many. You get older, the greater is the likelihood that spider veins and varicose veins occur and how medical problem be cosmetic. Unfortunately, it is then often too late to be the problem with simple conservative measures Mr. Now often only surgical measures help.

So that it does not, countermeasures should be taken at an early stage on the first occurrence of smallest spider veins or varicose veins. Nature offers a range of possibilities from their wide range of phytochemicals. It is understandable that many people on the natural swear by when it comes to their health. That’s a good thing, because the nature offers some ways to To prevent complaints and diseases, cure or mitigate. This is so also in diseases of the veins, such as varicose veins.

In this disease, certain secondary metabolites from a wide variety of plants should be helpful. So also from the lemon. The lemon contains many natural substances that can be useful to us humans, not only the well-known vitamin C. These include also the Zitrusflavonoide. These are bioactive substances from the lemon peel, which proved in vein disorders like heavy legs, varicose veins and spider veins for years. The Zitrusflavonoide with the name Diosmin and Hesperidin stabilize the vein wall and thus help mitigate the annoying and painful symptoms of venous weakness. The positive experiences of many persons concerned with tablets containing these two Zitrusflavonoide have been confirmed by specific clinical trials. But even more. The flavonoids from the lemon can alleviate the symptoms not only for already existing varicose veins, you can stop the progression of venous weakness and might be thus for the prevention of venous diseases suitable. For patients with venous weakness, this means that the flavonoids should be as early as possible applied to influence the course of suffering still cheap. The flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum in the trade are in Germany. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet. Just one tablet a day enough to applied over time to help those affected with venous weakness. There are VasoVitum in the practical month Pack (PZN 4604203) and in the cheap 3 month Pack (PZN 0265158). VasoVitum is available in pharmacies, selected health centres and directly at the company. Due to the specific composition should not try in the pharmacy, to trade for a seemingly similar product VasoVitum.