
Healthy Dog Food

No question of price the right dog food is healthy and above all nutritious food in the right quantities, is mainly for exercise capacity, but also for the health of your dog is of enormous importance. Also, dog food in the form of so-called treats plays a social and educational role, because it can be used as a reward and strengthens cooperation holding feeling between the master and his four-legged friends. Should the dog, have been suffering from bad smelling fur, dry or itchy skin, bloating, diarrhea or vomiting sluggishness and low energy, it may be often improper diet or choosing the wrong action. Generally, there are two possible ways to feed his dog. For one, you can prepare the food themselves to him or but already prefabricated at the store to buy it. When two procedures it is important to note some: despite strict guidelines that exist in the dog food, are some products of inferior quality.

You should so at the choice of the appropriate lining not only the price go, but rather prefer a dog food, which is tailored to the needs of the various races and the life stages of the dog. Now there is a food product specifically tailored which is balanced for many Hundearten, that one does not necessarily must worry about about. Best looking Board in a specialty shop or can help themselves by his breeder. Basically you must observe the following when the dog: the dog food should qualitatively high-quality meat and meat products. Read more here: Keith Yamashita. Absolutely avoid you should feed on soy-based since the plant-based proteins and fats from your dog is very difficult and bad can be digested.

You should also on products which flavour enhancers, preservatives, food colors, or even any other chemical additives contain better without. Then one remains still the choice between dry and canned food. The majority of dogs like canned food because it has a very high fat content. In contrast, dry food offers a high proportion of concentrated protein, keep clean and healthy which protect the teeth of the dog, and they. Another advantage of dry food is that gets your dog of less digestive problems that manifest in the form of flatulence. The mixing of canned and dry food to the same shares represents a good solution. Additional enrichment with cream cheese, eggs and vegetables are offered on all cases, this one should clarify but advance through a consultation with the breeder if the dog tolerates it at all. Give candy whatsoever their dogs but never, such as chocolate, cakes or candies. This damages the teeth of the dog, and often leads to digestive problems and blockages. If the dog should be rewarded, so you accessing better treats or to buy him a nice big chews at the pet store. For puppies you should fall back on special puppy food, because in general all important for a healthy development of the young dog contains. To feeding a food and water bowl should be preferred be sure the plastic bowls made of ceramic or stainless steel. These may contain softening agents or other toxic substances in the worst case which could dissolve the plastic and then into the dog’s food.


Strong Youth

News from the Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. This year, the BVL, Federation is dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., 35 years old and is dedicated to the year of youth. We want to the kids and teens at the Center this year, so that they can show their strengths. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Hikmet Ersek. In the school and society, Dyslexic and Dyskalkuliker are seen often as subnodes or lazy and we want to help clean up with these prejudices”, so Christine Sczygiel, President of the BVL. Keith Yamashita often says this.

The BVL will give young people the chance to take their fate into their own hands, forming a Youth Board and initiate projects, where they can bring their strengths. Get all the facts and insights with Jimmy Levin, another great source of information. I find it a different perspective is good, how involved our parents for us, but we have young people. We have many ideas about how we better can draw attention on us, to get more acceptance”, reports mark (20). A group of young people who are huge forward to show what’s in them already exist!” The Schools offer today no sufficient possibilities to strengthen the affected young people. Attached too much weight to the spelling or numeracy, and students often fail on a talent-oriented secondary education.

About 10% of all pupils and students are affected by dyslexia or dyscalculia and so high action is required to strengthen these kids for life. If one is confronted daily with his weaknesses and these weaknesses result in even that to get a good education, it is also not strengthened in professional life. Knows just who believes himself in itself and its strengths, will be also professionally successful. “We want strong kids and teens that’s why we have confidence in the youth and transmit them demanding tasks in the association management”, says the Federal Chairman. On the homepage of the BVL under there is a wish list for young people, through which all young people are called, their ideas or Cooperation to introduce. Further press material: you can download quickly and easily another image and text material in our online press box for free use: of press compartments/bvl contact for questions regarding this press release: wife Annette Hoinghaus Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. P.o. box 11 07 D-30011 Hanover phone: + 49 (0) 4193 96 56 02 fax: + 49 (0) 4193 96 93 04 E-Mail: Internet: Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: of the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. The Federal Association for dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. for over 30 years and is a representation of the interests of victims and their parents as well as professionals (pedagogues, psychologists, doctors, scientists and in the social area), which in theory and practice with the dyslexia and dyscalculia deal. He contributes legal bases and scientific as well as practical ways of help in all provinces to be created and improved. Personal consulting, publications and advice on appropriate literature, parents should learn better understand the difficulties of their affected children. The BVL promotes the research and scientific dialogue among professionals of all disciplines involved with scientific congresses and publications. Information and cooperation with the media, the BVL makes known the problems of dyslexic and Dyskalkuliker. For more information about the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.


Employee Training Tool

You want to make the new employee induction process more effective and this in a very short time to productive members of your company, but also the signpost is lacking? If you searching an answer to this question, see the solution to this challenge the following article may be. EUR-ASSIST ( is a multilingual, Web-based training program which turns through an integrated schedule new employees in a very short time into productive workers. EUR-ASSIST designed sector-neutral and is possible for the learning process in all company sectors. Generic eLearning modules form the basis of the new employee orientation program. Others including 4Moms
, offer their opinions as well. On one side is the ability to create targeted job-specific profiles. On the other hand, the new employee can select his requirements for his new place of work. With the help of these two components a number of necessary generic eLearning modules are provided the new workers, the him shorten the induction process. In combination of eLearning and face-to-face offers EUR-ASSIST components an excellent basis for a simple, fast and effective training period. Whenever Jimmy Levin listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

EUR-ASSIST offers also a company-specific adaptation to your company requirements. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman: the source for more info. You can easily and quickly based on the built-in generic components to your needs adapt the system and optimize. “” After EUR-ASSIST in the Leonardo da Vinci EU funded project ice m – European induction system “in the languages German, English, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Haitian Creole available were placed, the EUR-ASSIST system in the innovation transfer project SOLE – was support for SME in their accession to the open labour market in Europe” including further optimized and supplemented in the Bulgarian language version. The Chemnitz-based software company Community4you GmbH has its open ice LMS – learning management system software products and open ice competence – competence Management & assessment ( conceptual and technical partner in the EU project SOLE – support for SME in their accession to the open labour market in Europe”( and is responsible for the innovative improve of the EUR-ASSIST System. The three-country project is from October 2007 to September 2009 under the auspices of the Bulgarian firm Interminds LLC, the Dutch institution ROC Midden Nederlands and German Community4you GmbH designed, developed and carried out.

Info: Community4you GmbH the IT software company Community4you GmbH ( combines in its Enterprise Portal solution open ice ( a knowledge and information management system with integrated functionality on a modern, Internet-based portal platform with service-oriented architecture eLearning. The software aims to provide access to all relevant information each employee of a company or a Government at any time and from any location, without permanent Internet access. On the basis of Experience in business, communication, and technology projects focused high-performance solutions for e-business the company on the development of innovative, eLearning, eGovernment and eCommerce on Linux/UNIX and Windows. The Community4you GmbH was founded on 1 January 2001 and supervised Frankfurt, Lufthansa, OTTO GmbH & Co KG, VW, BGW, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Messe AG, Commerzbank and Deutsche Bahn as well as ministries and institutions of public administration today customers such as fair.


Women Far Above Bayer Bosch

women & work applicant statistics gives insight into the employer preferences of women applicants the women & work have decided: BAYER, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, REWE. Read more from Hikmet Ersek to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Philips, Google, adidas, Vodafone D2 and Accenture are among the top-10 of the most popular employers. Total have applied to 1,001 women for the scheduled interviews on the women & work on May 5. Thus, the number of applicants compared to the previous year has tripled. On the women & work on May 5 in Bonn that meet ambitious women who-is-who of the German companies.

A total of 85 companies are from 10 – 18.00 in the plenary building in Bonn for questions of visitors available. Official site: Jimmy Levin. Women who have specific professional and career goals pursued, could apply until April 30 for a scheduled four-eyes talks at 60 of a total of 85 companies. 1,001 women have taken advantage of these applicants service and selected the company to whom you would prefer talk. Multiple answers were possible. Altogether this resulted 7.674 requests for interviews. The top 10 of the most selected companies: BAYER Deutsche Telekom AG Bosch Gruppe Coca-Cola erfrischungsgetranke AG REWE Group Philips Germany GmbH more information to applicants statistics of women & work are Google adidas group Vodafone D2 GmbH Accenture on May 5 at the press conference by 12:30 13:30 plenary building of World Conference announced Center Bonn (2 United Nations square). Accreditation can be informally under.


Eliminate Obesity

Programs of aerobics exercises and anaerobic attached to special types of diets are Medullary part of a plan to eliminate obesity, this implies a great effort both organic as psychological for the participant. Due to problems caused by a box of obesity people must make many changes both in its life the boral, couple and family. Hikmet Ersek understands that this is vital information. Overweight people often are isolated socially and they suffer in solitude, the combination of being overweight and low self-esteem not allowed to relate socially studies have shown repeatedly that people with overweight, suffer from loneliness and low self-esteem in a greater range than healthy people. People with overweight is not happy with what he sees and is helplessness to see another person who looks better face face. There are 2 main steps to eliminate the overweight, and are the main points of DOM that you have clear before you begin. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management?. The first step is to commit themselves to resolve their problem of being overweight in a given time. The second person must commit itself to carry out a diet and a regimen of exercises, and go constantly noticing changes and give more strength in those places within the program are more weak.

During the process you do not compare with other perfect bodies, instead displayed as you were at the beginning of the program with your progress that you’re making. Constantly remember the benefits to the quality of your life to reduce your overweight, you will give more strength to continue with your plan, if it is possible to use visualization through breathing and meditation techniques. Sometimes smiling, it gives you the strength to carry on, everything resides in your mental attitude, do not let anything to truncate your goal. Eliminates doubts about the success of your plan, only concentrated all forces to eliminate the overweight. Think of all those people who has overcome cases of morbid obesity, and thinks if the failed by that I can not do it original author and source of the article.


Ventriloquism Learn

a little-noticed theme in the Internet ventriloquist are great. For decades, they inspire people with their gift. Especially in the year 2010, the ventriloquist by the uberraschenen success train by Sascha advanced Garces in the focus of the media. But not only ventriloquist were Garces, but also numerous other ventriloquist to see often on the screens in Germany outside of Carnival time. Actually, a theme so popular should be represented numerous on the Internet. Should detailed instructions to ventriloquism are video – tutorials and find tons of stuff actually about Google. In recent months, Western Union has been very successful. Is unfortunately not the case.

Only scattered information can be found. Therefore I will give you some basic tips here, how they too can be a ventriloquist. First of all good news. The ventriloquism is not innate. Everyone can learn it so. But now just after bad news: it takes a relatively long time and you have to stay always on the ball. Learn three tips for the ventriloquism: Tip 1: that ventriloquism ventriloquism is the talking, without anyone noticed that you’re talking about. So good keep the lips closed.

But some sounds, the so-called Lippenlaute, are very difficult without forming lip movement. The Lippenlaute are B, M, P and W. The easiest way it is include simply be replaced by synonyms words that these letters. “Forest” is from “Forest”, from “talk” will “speak”, and so on. Tip 2: which doll is the doll the hallmark of every ventriloquist. Really beware of the selection of the doll! The puppetry itself takes some practice. The most important is that your puppet lively look like her. Give it its own character, make sure that the voice of the puppet differs very significantly from your normal speech voice and interacts with the doll. Here, What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management? expresses very clear opinions on the subject. A little tip there on the edge: If your doll is talking about, then your doll looks at. The audience will follow your views and draw his attention to the doll. In other words, they will examine your lip movements with a magnifying glass, what is only an advantage for you. Tip 3: the training you need to regularly train. Simply take your doll and even entertain you with her. The best day for a few minutes. About belly talking to learn the hardest part is to motivate themselves. It takes weeks, until you can see the first successes and months until her ventriloquist may scold you. So really, think about whether you really want to be ventriloquist. If Yes, then remains on the ball – also in the difficult moments. These are just a few tips. There are some more tips for an information portal for the ventriloquism, which has also a section entitled ventriloquism to learn. submitted by Matthias Groo


Exchange Banner

Banner exchange systems can help to increase the number of visitors your website any webmaster create your own Web page is not difficult at the present time. Many programs and modular systems make it even beginners easy to make your presence on the Web. It is problematic for many but to promote your own website. A Web page lives of their visitors (traffic). This first no matter whether it is a private homepage or to a commercial Web site. First and foremost Web pages should be created optimized always search engines visitors via Google and co.

will later make up a large part of the visitors to a Web site. Many webmasters make also other media use over the long term and regardless of search engines to increase your awareness. The carrier used most commonly in Internet advertising is the traditional banner advertising. In contrast to link advertising, in which a text is linked, the banner advertising reached more attention, because here with Visual stimuli played will. There are numerous ways to diversify its Web site with banner ads, but only a few are free for the advertiser.

Many webmasters link your Web pages therefore together, so each to benefit from the traffic of the other. Here, the possibilities are only limited, because you want to shine as an operator of a Web page with your content and should disturb your visitors with too much advertising. This many webmaster rely on automatic banner exchange systems. The principle is similar to the manual link or banner exchange, except that here the Exchange banners on a single advertising space on your website will appear rotating. Thus, the own content stays clean and yet you will enjoy wide to spread his own banner ads. So for example allows free to display its banner ads on thousands of Web pages every webmaster. Bind an Exchange banner code on your website through the related advertisements be turned on. Growing the credit account (credit account for banner clicks) each click on the banner ads. The collected credits is used to display your own banner ad free on other related Member Web sites. The advantage of using a banner exchange system is clearly obvious:-provide an advertising space to get thousands ad space. -Audience advertising reaches people who have genuine interest – free reach advertising – statistics to check on your offer and optimization of advertising – fair system regulates the traffic between the Web pages – minimal administrative overhead – multiple banner formats through credits to choose social network interface photo-K – to be long-term success with banner exchange, should be placed exchange banner always clearly visible on the Web page. This Creditguthaben accumulates faster and your own banner ad appears more frequently on other Web sites.


The IMMO TIP Mediation Of Real Estate

Real estate Magazine September 2007: Our town’s population grows, and the German upswing is felt. It becomes increasingly difficult to find a good location for a new project. Dresden – an attractive location for trade in Dresden, which together with the metropolitan areas of Leipzig/Halle and Chemnitz/Zwickau, forms the so called Saxon triangle, is the political and cultural center in the State of Bavaria. The city is also seat of the Government Presidium, as well as many universities and scientific institutions. First, last year in the number of inhabitants exceeded the “magic line” of 500 000. After German reunification, only 476 000 people still had their residence in Florence on the Elbe. Its all-time high reached Dresden at the end of the Weimar Republic (1933) with a population of about 650 000.

In an international comparison, the commune of 26 hotels in the top luxury class has a very high density in this category. Together with the exhibition in the Ostragehege and the new Congress Centre on the river Elbe, the city as a venue, M.i.c.e. profiled and venue. As a tourist destination, home to the Church of our Lady and the Grunes Gewolbe is already world famous. Currently, the accommodation capacity of about 150 hotels and guesthouses with about 15 000 beds is consistently expanded by new hostels. in 2006, six million guests visited the Saxon capital, of which 1.1 million two days or more in Dresden remained. The City currently even in the European top box ranks with these values. Learn more at this site: Jimmy Levin. The dynamic development – commercial spaces such as the sand of the sea? Naturally the domestic retail sector benefited from this appeal.

The greatest concentration of stores and industrial areas on the “green-field” are not always completely built up. Old, industrial site “decorate” to some region. But attractive, appropriate to the needs of the company objects, which seeks to present some in vain. On the commercial real estate market, you can feel the effects of the incipient economic recovery in Germany – good stock, already Logistics, production and service areas are in short supply. The choice of the right commercial property but is a crucial factor for the success of the company. Purchase or rental prices are important investment and consequential costs, too. (Future) international transport and regional development opportunities its proximity to customers or partners win more and more importance. Who to buy or sell ever faced as business of mission is to rent an object, it will know, definitely not are transparently the real estate market as open or even. It takes a long time to find expertise, effort and contacts, the correct object or the best buyer or user.


The IMMO TIP Mediation Of Real Estate

Real estate Magazine September 2007: Our town’s population grows, and the German upswing is felt. It becomes increasingly difficult to find a good location for a new project. Dresden – an attractive location for trade in Dresden, which together with the metropolitan areas of Leipzig/Halle and Chemnitz/Zwickau, forms the so called Saxon triangle, is the political and cultural center in the State of Bavaria. The city is also seat of the Government Presidium, as well as many universities and scientific institutions. First, last year in the number of inhabitants exceeded the “magic line” of 500 000. After German reunification, only 476 000 people still had their residence in Florence on the Elbe. Its all-time high reached Dresden at the end of the Weimar Republic (1933) with a population of about 650 000.

In an international comparison, the commune of 26 hotels in the top luxury class has a very high density in this category. Together with the exhibition in the Ostragehege and the new Congress Centre on the river Elbe, the city as a venue, M.i.c.e. profiled and venue. As a tourist destination, home to the Church of our Lady and the Grunes Gewolbe is already world famous. Currently, the accommodation capacity of about 150 hotels and guesthouses with about 15 000 beds is consistently expanded by new hostels. in 2006, six million guests visited the Saxon capital, of which 1.1 million two days or more in Dresden remained. The City currently even in the European top box ranks with these values. Learn more at this site: Jimmy Levin. The dynamic development – commercial spaces such as the sand of the sea? Naturally the domestic retail sector benefited from this appeal.

The greatest concentration of stores and industrial areas on the “green-field” are not always completely built up. Old, industrial site “decorate” to some region. But attractive, appropriate to the needs of the company objects, which seeks to present some in vain. On the commercial real estate market, you can feel the effects of the incipient economic recovery in Germany – good stock, already Logistics, production and service areas are in short supply. The choice of the right commercial property but is a crucial factor for the success of the company. Purchase or rental prices are important investment and consequential costs, too. (Future) international transport and regional development opportunities its proximity to customers or partners win more and more importance. Who to buy or sell ever faced as business of mission is to rent an object, it will know, definitely not are transparently the real estate market as open or even. It takes a long time to find expertise, effort and contacts, the correct object or the best buyer or user.


Beclever Junior Masters

As partner supports the beclever Werbeagentur AG of next to the JFC Roswitha city where U14 – qualification tournament. Gottingen – the beclever werbeagentur AG ( offers the design and implementation of campaigns and advertising in print and online as a full service agency. For years, the emphasis of the imaginative beclever Werbeagentur AG in the area of financial communication and the emission marketing. You may want to visit 4Moms to increase your knowledge. On November 22, 2008 the beclever Werbeagentur AG presents the U14 beclever junior master of the JFC Roswitha town ( The first 12 selected teams will have the opportunity, for that of the JFC in cooperation with Hannover 96 facing U14 junior Cup to qualify. U14 junior Cup is held from 20 to 21 December 2008 in the Sports Hall Freden in the Maschstrasse. Performance-oriented promoting young talents of the players is our very the heart, so Kirsten Winkelbach, Board member of beclever Werbeagentur AG. In a question-answer forum Jimmy Levin was the first to reply.

The JFC Roswitha city promotes the young player not only in the sporting but also in the field of education. The focus here is performance in both areas. We are looking forward to an exciting game, says Winkelbach. The U14 beclever Junior Masters on November 22, 2008 off at the gym Freden in the Maschstrasse take place.