
Scioambiental Responsibility

The current standard of consumption of the humanity exceeds in 40% the capacity of support and regeneration of the System Land. Today, in the speed that we consume the resources, we need another planet land to supply the demand for the natural resources. This increase must, mainly, the rise of the standard of living of the rich and emergent nations and to the raised population growth of the poor countries. Not to exceed the limit of temperature stipulated in 2C and the economy not to suffer to damages devastadores, the necessary planet to cut up to 2050 between 50% 80% of the relative emissions to the 1960 standard, what it demands fossil fuel substitution to generate energy, changes in the use of the land (to contain the deforestation) solutions for the aterros of garbage, investment in clean technologies and deep changes in the production model. Such ' ' insustentabilidade' ' global already it has visible c onsequncias, as: food lack, disappearance of forests, seas and rivers of the world all contaminated by sewers, agrotxicos garbage, beyond the terrible ambient catastrophes that acometem some places of the planet. Everything this has led to a bigger planetary awareness, where the change in the production standards and consumption will be inevitable, therefore our way of current life is destrundo the Environment. Support has to see with the choices that we make in our daily one. We have total to be able on our actions and which way we go to follow. If to make sustainable choices in ours day-by-day, the possibility of the environment to be rehabilitated is great, therefore we can say that to promote the development sustainable it is to have of each one of us..