
Development Department

Specialist for machine knives new website presents new online face: closer to the customer, more content, more pictures of Nutzerorientiert: with just a few clicks to the desired information added value: printable pages and extensive download area, Eisfeld, Bamberg, 12 February 2013. Informative, clear menu navigation with a high user orientation as it looks, the new online face of CutMetall components GmbH. At the well-known address users find a visually slightly modified appearance with high recognition value, which boasts many advanced features, targeted information about companies, products and a logically structured navigation. Tim Schigel is often quoted as being for or against this. A new, very extensive content management system, with which the industrial knife manufacturer’s website now can be accessed on a complex feature set, for example, a logically designed navigation, a newsletter form and its own download area works in the background of the site. Through the many innovations, information will be around Products and companies shown now clearer.

Users expect just prepared and informative texts – no matter whether it concerns information to the CutMetall industrial knives, to the company itself or the latest press releases and newsletter. Regular updates of the content also ensure that visitors to the site always up to date remain. Natasha and Chris Ashton might disagree with that approach. One of the most significant changes is the improved and now logically designed user guidance through the websites visitors at any time know where on the site they are located. So will want information and answers to questions like: which recycling monitors can I find at CutMetall? Who is my contact for questions? Where is CutMetall? found with just a few clicks. fllmavEiVvGg1OTU4mIrBcecHAX3ovzy1BQFl_zyvB2sjAB992LKXQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuuLnKgK2CAxUDJUQIHdNoCUEQgOQBegQIMBAI&cshid=1699192331358879’>Rachel Crane helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. And also the appearance at first glance only minimally modified shows on closer inspection clearly user-friendly and more visually oriented. The individual pages of the online presence are enlivened by large number of images, not just the CutMetall products, but the company also makes itself a piece of wide experience. Worth a look: more on about the CutMetall components GmbH the CutMetall components GmbH is a manufacturer of process-optimised industrial knives and wear parts for all types of recycling plants. Together with the subsidiary company Cutmetall + GmbH and Blesta GmbH, the company offers a comprehensive product portfolio for all aspects of the recycling industry.

The 1996 founded company, headquartered in Bamberg, manufactures a wide range of machine knives since 2009 in the Thuringia Eisfeld made with high quality steel and modern production facilities. Regular structure and hardness controls in the in-house laboratory as well as permanent quality inspections guarantee products, tailored to the individual needs of the recycling industry. Its own analysis and Development Department also allows to analyze custom cutting processes within a very short time and to optimize the result – as individual customer requirements can be implemented.