
Santssima Mother

– Virgin lady of Mercy, Santssima Mother of God! it know if I am innocent, and if I deserve so cruel treatment. Help settles distressing, because in this world nobody can be valid me. You exempt me of the claws of an executioner, who threat not only my life, as my innocence and honesty. You illuminate the spirit and infundi to it to it in the heart brandura and mercy so that if it feels sorry of its captive unfortunate person. She is a humble slave who with the tears in the eyes and pain in the heart supplicates you for your pains sacrossantas, for chagas of your The holy ghost Son: you are valid me for mercy. (GUIMARES, 2008, P.

68) On the other hand, terms as ' ' escrava' ' ' ' cativa' ' they are used with sufficient frequency, so that let us identify that the main personage, Isaura, live deeply the slavery in such a way how much the other slaves, however of form more branda, because if they were not those used terms previously, if would create an ambiguity on the reason of the submission of the privileged slave. The steps go up, that they lead to alpendre, all engrinaldado of viosos decorative clasps and pretty flowers, that serve of vestibule to the building. Let us enter without ceremony. Soon to the right of the corridor we find a wide door open, that of the entrance to the room of reception, vast and luxuriously furnished. It is found alone and seated to the piano a beautiful noble there young woman figure. The lines of the profile are drawn distinct enter the ebony of the box of the piano, and you are enough madeixas to them still more black of what it. They are so pure and soft these lines, that fascinate the eyes, enlevam the mind, and paralyze all analysis.