

One more time, we alert that in them we do not arrest to the subject water as central and thematic object of the analysis, we send but it to other subjects that are pertinent to other areas of the pertaining to school and human knowledge. Observing the reality of the pertaining to school community, the school can organize a historiografia of texts that take care of to the necessities of this reality. Let us imagine that the poem above was the starting point for this historiografia. Obviously, the properties of the water would be studies of natural sciences, as well as its use, its purposes, its conservation, its differentiations, its compositions and, why not to say, of the proper history of science, by means of studies that they show as it is constructed the scientific thought, a time that the poem requires a previous knowledge on the scientific aspects of the water. In search of a net to interdisciplinar by means of the text ' ' Lies on the water ' ' , in it disciplines of Geography, for example, the poem could give edge for studies on dries northeastern, in a geopolitical perspective of if collating the produced misery and the barbarity it has centuries for the harshness and scarcity of the water in the hinterland northeastern on behalf of one capitalist politics; that this scarcity provoked and provokes in the land and the man northeastern. Mathematically it would be argued, for example, the question of the amount of paid taxes for the Brazilian citizens and that many of them had appeared exactly to prevent the barbarity, the poverty, the misery, not only of sertanejo, but of that they are oppressed by the industrial progress sped up of the world contemporary. Still, how much the public coffers and the power politician profit from this industry of dries. Historically, it is possible to compose a study on the world in globalization, on the neoliberal public politics: its origins, its causes, its consequences it relates them with the misery, the poverty, social problems e, why not to say, with the water scarcity that, also, seems to be one of the factors that had contributed for the rationing of electric energy in Brazil of century XX.