
Herbert Rohrer Development

I me other people” can feel facing uncertain and others easily confuse me? -always respect will find… others, while I stay more in the background? … I’m afraid to speak freely or to express my opinion? … I’m trying to capture everything rationally, and feelings seem rather suspicious to me? … I feel more victimized and mean, others had simply lucky? … I have others to distrust? …

I wish me affection and tenderness but too rarely get? All these questions if they themselves are absolutely honest with himself in the majority yes answer, learn through conscious wearing of a collar with a trailer, love on which I myself”says first aid. If they determine that they thereby create attention and recognition, they treat others, which it also did, if she love a quantum leap to which I myself experience”could understand. Those who have long recognized that the self love the The initiators calling prerequisite for the multiplication of love is, to support the action and to ensure the dissemination of the idea. The I love me even followers”supposed symbol support. The first 10 buyers obtained the necklace as a gift. “He is wheel Ionic with medical information to the topic I love myself” be sending. Press contact: Rita M. Eisenmann + Herbert Rohrer MMV Consulting GmbH Wilhelmstrasse 28 74321 Bietigheim – Bissingen, Germany phone: 07142 56642 eMail: Web: about the initiators: Rita M.

Eisenmann and Herbert of raw are managing partners of MMV Consulting GmbH in Bietigheim – Bissingen, Germany since 1994. MMV is mind vitality for mental and describes the contents of the business and the beliefs of the two. For them, the preservation of health is meaningful rank pari passu with the restoration of health. They emphasize that everyone is single called, to rediscover the healing powers through harmonization of body, mind and soul. Who is What? Assign the people: Herbert Rohrer is… / Rita M. Eisenmann is… Both are… “” They are economists VWA, Naturopath psychotherapy, mental coach DVNLP for cognitive behavioural therapy, master of advanced hypnosis applications, therapeutic hypnosis, as well as book authors of the smoking stories Mami, you fire “and initiators of which I love myself” action. MMV’s work in the field of personal and health: Loosening of limits, errors, blockades and dissonance; Support for removal of and dealing with anxiety, self-doubt, guilt, concentration defects, or burn-out. Personality development through a self-concept. Methods: Coaching, systems thinking, mentoring, mental training and computer technology, instrumental Biocommunication on basis of quantum physics, consciousness technology, Radionics, hypnosis, cognitive-behavioral therapy. The work of MMV in the business area: corporate development, sales development, personal mastery, leadership, leadership, System thinking, installation of a learning organisation, team development and business psychology.


Small Talk

Earlier in the evening, Shima had rightly assigned me. During a conversation at the bar of the crime was the topic on hunting, I wanted to leave a comment to my welfare, Hanniball growled and the SmallTalk walked lightly across the stage. He was next to me on the bench in my coat and guarded me as always exemplary! One must finally have a say, I trust his adeptness. My grandfather, Forster at Merode, I know that a healthy choice is important to the receipt of the inventory and maintenance of the forest. In Hillesheim two mystery authors introduced this Saturday night their works. Berndorf in the Cafe Sherlock and Ralf Alberts from Bremen at the mystery hotel. Today as in the mystery bar no-smoking, I got after reading Hanniball and we enjoyed our midnight drink with MusikBox song don’t worry be happy and I sleep without you night not a mysterious crime bar.

Albert came in a white suit and Panama Hat at the bar and greeted me as external. Previously had Kramp delivered a KassenSketch and now followed the domestic scenario of the Eifeler wake. Of his works I chose Goethe and the deaf and dumb Orchestra”. After two GinTonic, I had the necessary severity of bed and forgot the gruesome ambiance of the 18th century. From our room 108 went with the view into the garden of the detective hotel, hotel chamfer, late historic architecture and the Kyll River. The peaks crowned fortifications of the 13th and 16th century lay on our morning walk. Swimming and relaxing we travelled to a round at 11 o’clock in the pouring rain after Aachen topped by a Sun-passage. Aachen was under a grey fog bell. When we arrived home, the Sun out peered to the greeting. RMS Scrip torin, alias pink Marita Schrouff