
Congress Center Dusseldorf

Conference & corporate publishing the book Academy and drupa which (digital) trends in content marketing and customer communications are relevant? What is in development and implementation of appropriate strategies for tablets, to make social media and co.? And the role of print in the mix? These and other questions are available on 29 January 2014 in the focus of the Conference mobile, social, real time content marketing and customer communications by 2020 “, which hosts the Academy of the German book trade in cooperation with the drupa in the Congress Center Dusseldorf. For commercial-quality content marketing and corporate publishing there are constantly new opportunities, augmented reality features show that the mobile IKEA catalog or in the digital BMW vehicle owner’s manual. Ever more powerful technologies open up the chance to develop integrated communication solutions for an individual, effective customer response. That is the challenge, cross-content strategies for the different media whether corporate communication departments Print – or app magazine, to develop moving image or social-media campaigns. Speaking candidly David Milliband told us the story. In lectures, case studies and interactive roundtable sessions offer communication experts from various industrial enterprises and top speakers of the corporate publishing industry valuable insights and practical recommendations. Including Gregor Vogelsang (Burda Creative Group), Philipp Muller (Nissan), Christoph Zeidler (SAP), Katrin Ilg (Helvetia), Martin Nellen (Helvetia), Tobias Dennehy (Siemens), Sandra Harzer-Kux (G + J corporate editors) and Andreas ban (ConnectedMedia).

Moderator of the Conference is Dr. Andreas Sambo (KircherBurkhardt). Jimmy Levin is open to suggestions. The Conference is aimed at professionals and executives and project managers from companies and agencies, in particular in the areas of marketing, PR and corporate communications / corporate publishing. More information and registration: konferenzen/corporate_publishing/drupa_goes_corporate_publishing.php the Academy on Facebook and Twitter: book Academy Buchakademie_DE contact person for this Press release: Jacqueline Hoffmann conferences & PR Academy of the German book trade Salvador 1 80333 Munich 089 / 29 19 53 – 56 E-Mail: about the Academy: the Academy of the German book trade is among the leading media schools in Germany with approximately 3,700 participants per year. With its programme of seminars, conferences and meetings, it has established itself as a recognised industry forum. As management and young forged of the publishing and media industry, it offers training and development programs for professionals and executives..


Advisor And Practice Guide For Managers

Redesigned 2nd Edition of the book ‘ the principle of the minimum balance: effective execution may be too easy!’ published by Klaus Kissel and Wolfgang Tschinkel. “In its second edition, the book is the principle of the minimum balance: effective execution may be also easily!” published by Klaus Kissel and Wolfgang Tschinkel. The 174-page strong book is intended for executives who even more efficient and results-oriented would make their leadership also to not even due to the variety of their tasks to their limits to push. Using many practical examples and exercises, they will learn to develop a leadership style that aims to empower their employees to a selbststandigeren work and to guide. This relieve the executives also yourself and win more time to perceive their core tasks. The second edition of the book published in 2006 for the first time is completely new layoutet and fitted with a new cover. Additional (self-learning mode) exercises have been newly integrated. In addition the book contains more tips, hints and tips for difficult employee dialogues.

“Were extended also cause the parts to the subject of change and deal with resistance, since this topic according to statements of the Executive coach and-coachs Klaus Kissel in everyday management due to the many change projects in companies is becoming increasingly important”. The book is easy to understand. It is essentially divided into three parts. “The first chapter revolves around the question: How do I make me even as an Executive, so I burn without burn out for my challenge” and a role model for my employees? In the second part the focus is on the topic of leadership. In him, among other things the question discusses how executives should delegate tasks so that their employees can fulfill this responsibility and no reverse delegation takes place. In the third part, the authors turn their attention on team leadership”and the questions: How do you recognize a good Team? And: How can we develop a team spirit of cooperation rather than performance-reducing competition among employees as a leader? “” Also: How can an executive team in rather bad “or times of change when it crunches in the company beams and creaking” do? “The book of the principle of the minimum balance: effective may also easily be!” is published by the Verlag wind mill. It costs 29.50 euros. Also a three-day compact training on the topic of minimal guidance is offered by the ifsm Institute for sale management, Urbar, whose Managing Director is Klaus Kissel,”; Furthermore a consisting of three modules in-service training for executives. For more info about the training and continuing education for interested persons and organisations in the ifsm Institute sale management, Urbar (Tel: 0261 / 962-3641;). You can this also from the ifsm website () download.


Eaton Corporation

In the long run you are unhappy and the new employer also. No good prospects for long-term career development. 5. key: The conclusion nowadays fringe benefits are almost more important than the basic salary (Note: good companies have a solid salary structure). Kellyanne Conway often says this. Depending on the position, belong to the ancillary laptop, corporate mobile, training, company cars or profit-sharing and can play an important role when it comes to extracting (female) talent. Ask also for modern concepts such as mentoring/coaching for women, social services, such as subsidy to kindergarten, day nursery or after sports and recreational activities. You prove you hereby again Interest in the corporate culture. “And a tip at the end: should the staff of EAD that Colombo question” come: why should we hire you? “, using the technology of the elevator speech”.

Ready to persuade your counterpart in two minutes with full enthusiasm. You may sell on value, nor under value. Market your skills and personality, and if you really want the job, say it, but keep getting authentic! “Webinars in the framework of the equal pay day In the framework of Equal Pay Day on the 25th March 2011 offers the international news and Careers in collaboration with the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, on May 14, 2011 in Bonn instead finds a career week on the subject of women and salary” on. 18: 00 expert webinars on various topics available are available every evening from 17. “” From the successful Gehaltsverhandlungfur women “on March 21, about gender stereotypes & content” on June 22. March, woman + network = success in the profession? “on March 23 and the final Webinar on March 24 on the subject starting salaries for graduates”. Participants of the webinars login free alias in advance about a link with one to the webinar. To participate in the webinars of the career week, user need only a Web browser, Adobe Flash Player and a speaker enabled on their computer.

See or for details and links to the webinars. About Eaton industries GmbH meeting the Eaton industries GmbH on the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, on May 14, 2011, at the World Conference Center / plenary building in Bonn. Eaton Corporation, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio/United States, is one of the world the technology leader in electrical components and systems for power quality, distribution and control. The product range includes propulsion systems and services for industrial and Mobile hydraulics in addition as well as tank, hydraulic and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use in the aviation industry. The portfolio is rounded off by safe and efficiency in performance and consumption-based drive systems for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Eaton has about 70,000 employees and sells its products to customers in over 150 countries. Since April 2008, Moeller has been part of the American Eaton Corporation. As the electrical engineering specialist for IEC products, Moeller is a strong international pillar in Eaton’s electrical sector. About the women & work on the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women to meet career-oriented visitors over 50 top companies from the German economy at May 14, 2011. A scheduled four-eyes talks, contacts at the exhibition stand and an extensive Congress programme help visitors personal networking and their career planning. The visitor center in the World Conference Center Bonn is free of charge.


Photovoltaic – Sun Refuel Tired

Education for professionals in booming industry the current debate about climate change has shown that a much faster expansion of the use of renewable energies is urgently needed. Solar energy has the greatest potential. It is therefore only logical that the policy of many countries currently intensively pushing the market introduction. In addition to the existing markets in Germany or Japan evolve more and more new markets in southern Europe. Keep the high growth rates in the next few years, what many experts very likely keep more significant cost reductions of photovoltaics are expected.

Thus, the photovoltaic will become one of the main pillars of a sustainable energy economy. Due to the large growth rates a shortage is noticeable in the industry increasingly. The use of photovoltaics was so far not to the classic content of vocational training still higher education. With the growing solar expertise are but increasingly in various professional fields required. Therefore, Haus der Technik in Berlin this area offers currently following seminars: photovoltaic systems 1 – how it works – application areas – market at the netrelease in Berlin, photovoltaic systems 2 – application – planning – simulation on the September, photovoltaics for theory of non-techies – functioning, manufacturing, construction, planning, efficiency at the 23.09.09, radiation data for solar systems -, measurement, data sources, calculations, evaluatione etc.


Exchange Industry

The provider of rental work clothing and textile leasing, Udor textile management, provides industrial customers as well as the care sector and the hotel industry with work clothes for rent Landshut, the 20.07.2011: in addition to the advantage of cost minimization leads also the variable needs adaptation to that more and more companies rely on a textile recording, to equip their employees with work clothes or protective clothing. The large laundry Udor textile management specializes in the area of corporate fashion on the extensive facilities in the industrial and craft sector and hospitality industry, catering and healthcare. The provider of textile leasing provides high quality workwear and prepares them properly. The large laundry customers benefit in many ways: in addition to the cost savings they always have the current models and a consistent look and feel. Equipped with high-quality, hygienic working clothes give their staff expertise and promote the image of the company.

At the Provision of working clothes enters Udor textile management to the needs of that industry. In industry and craft, the topic of occupational safety and health plays an important role. Given the frequently changing regulations, industrial enterprises and craft businesses with leased Workwear remain flexible. All models rented by Udor comply with current health and safety regulations. The company for textile full supply provides a wide range of industrial textile needs its industrial customers. Work clothes, protective clothing, flat linen hygiene and protection items. For an individual and consistent corporate identity, Udor provides overalls of employees upon request with name logo and company logo.

Especially in the artisanal sector, the processing of corporate fashion due to often heavy pollution requires special know-how. In addition to the maintenance of working clothes, Urzinger customers benefit from additional services, such as repairing small damage or the Sewing buttons lost in all types of protective clothing. In the field of food industry, the flawless performance of sensitive HACCP hygiene requirements is crucial. “The policy of hazard analysis and critical control points” regulates the art of hygienic processing as well as the type of clothing to wear is in the food processing industry. Of course, the Workwear rented with us meets all legal requirements. We finished corporate fashion, such as by the HACCP directive intended, according to DIN 10524 “so Managing Director Claudia Urzinger-Woon. In the sale of food, as well as in the hotel and catering industry a neat and clean appearance is crucial. Udor textile management provides professional clothing for all areas of the hotel its customers in the hospitality industry. This begins with the textile supply of kitchen staff with chef jackets, Chef pants, Chef hats, aprons and before binder. Employees in the service personnel are with suits, costumes, shirts, Fitted blouses, vests and polo shirts. Especially at the reception, a well-groomed look exudes sympathy and kindness and strengthens as the competence of the House. That the uniforms of the staff in care and practitioners must be hygienic, know the Landshut provider of textile rental. Udor textile management guarantees its customers in addition to disinfection and maintenance of clothes also the personal well-being through comfort. Udor uses a supply circuit, where the large laundry properly supports its customers by analyzing regular needs adjusting in the textile supply. The company is responsible for selecting the appropriate textiles from the range, the customization of the look and feel of the company, developing a tailor-made logistics concept and the timely collection, care, control, Exchange and repair, delivery and distribution of Workwear.