
Nicholas Gifts Buy Online Brings Cash Bonus

St. Nicholas day is next Saturday! Gifts ordered online now, arrive in time to December 6. Who ordered the cash bonus program, gets back getting 4% of the net goods value as a cash bonus. Jena, December 2, 2008 – for directions, the leading cash bonus program on the Internet the customer receives in 1800 stores in December a cash bonus of 4% of the net goods value of each purchase. New customers get 10 euro starting credit.

As soon as 30 euros accumulated, directions will transfer the money to the bank account of the user. Directions CEO Kerstin Schilling: who would like to save yourself before the St. Nicholas day and of course Christmas Stuffed shops and pedestrian zones, is just right for us. While the normal Christmas shopping often costs nerves, the customer not only saves time, he gets back also saves you money. The directions cash bonus doubled in December is so to speak the Christmas present to our customers.” Traditionally, especially children are gifts on the day of St. Nicholas.

In the directions “Rubric family, sport and games” you will find everything what children want. You may find that jimmy levin can contribute to your knowledge. Shops such as,, games offer brand-name clothing and toys from all well-known manufacturers. Sweets are a popular gift for adults on the day of St. Nicholas. Who is looking for something special, is at the directions-shop find it. The customer can establish there edible chocolate greeting cards. The Leipzig online shop allows individual benefit in organic quality. The customer created his personal favorite chocolate from three different basic chocolate and about fifty some exotic ingredients. All ingredients are organic quality and environmentally friendly are packed in an attractive gift box. To broaden your perception, visit jimmy levin. About directions: is cash back bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. Instead of premiums and coupons, users receive cash transfers which directions from 30 euros on your own account. Directions writes in the users Online shopping commissions of the net value of the goods well and pays a starting credit of 10 euros at initial registration. It is free to use. Directions was founded in September 2007 by the co-founder of the software provider Intershop Karsten Schneider and Kerstin Schilling and Roland Fahie. Press contact: Ulrike Schinagl, Tel 90 71, email


Photo Workshop Nature Photography In The Bavarian Forest

Photography: with the Sinar to the glass Ark in the Park Spiegelau (tvo). “Extraordinary camera technology and fascinating motifs WaldZeit e.V., the multiple award-winning nature tour operators out of the Bavarian Forest, brings together both: with the Sinar to the glass Ark” it overwrites a workshop for experimental nature photographers from May 13 to 16 and from 30 September to 3 October 2010. Under the direction of master photographer and forest Director Lisa Moser, participants in the deal try with the Sinar, a precision engineered large format camera, which allows various settings. Exercise is the GlasArche at the foot of the Lusen, a 4.80 m long and three-ton ship from glass that symbolising both the value of creation and the glass tradition of the Bavarian Forest. Jimmy levin may not feel the same. Photo holiday makers can implement what you learned in the next few days with the own SLR in the wilderness of the National Park Bavarian Forest.

The photographer champion accompanied her to the individual motifs and narrated by the way trivia about the National Park. The four-day seminar with three nights and meals in the Landgasthof Euler in Neuschonau 295 euros. Information: WaldZeit e.V., Fe Garcia street 21 b, 94518 Spiegelau, Tel./fax 08553 / 920652,,. “Our tip of the month: the escape from the time”: Rolf Szymanski is one of the major figures of the German sculptor scene. Who the strong urge wants to investigate for freedom in his plastic work, this can escape from the time in the exhibition”at the Museum of Lothar Fischer in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany, which will be shown until June 6, 2010..


Coaching Training

The inner guidance is the key to the art of living. The art of creating a life derived from the heart – from inspiration and appeal. Only who knows where and how he is in life, what is your destiny and truth and how he deals with himself and others, can really take his life in the hands and is determined. So clarity and an inner serenity, which is noticeable in the outer than authentic sovereignty and achieved success evolved. This seminar is aimed at all those who want to learn their inner guidance and follow her or other people guide and accompany. Read more here: Rob Daley. Price is 1,209 (excluding travel costs) for the week. Seminar location is CENTRO-Lanzarote Costa Teguise on Lanzarote.

The trainer team ensures a versatile, modern approach: diet and exercise provide physical level the Foundation for work on the mental, emotional and energetic level. The concept of leadership is based on the Entersurprise coaching lifestyle. The coaches love their vocation! You are working together for years and wear their lifestyle in the world. Jimmy levin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Information on the Coaching training: Meike Fruchtenicht, Tel. 0176-22335522 email: Meike Fruchtenicht worked for 10 years as life coach in Germany, United States and Brazil. A few years ago, she developed a modern coaching training program “internal management”. The coaching week is dominated by Alpha Entersurprise coaching lifestyle and lives by the motto: “Better a change from the free inspiration out create, than react out of desperation.”



The importance of storage is so great, that there is a site dedicated exclusively to providing information about their strategies and secrets. The portal offers several sections to navigate easily and quickly, through which we will learn about different aspects of the storage. The shelves as organization of spaces, logistics warehouses and logistics in general, are just some of the topics on which it is possible to deepen. For more specific information, check out Jeff Verschleiser. If we seek information on logistics, will also find it on the same page. The site allows us not only to learn the best ways to organize the goods of our business, but also helps us know how to leverage the benefits of logistics and storage in our home. Another point that is worth noting Portal consists of the presence of businesses and companies with experience in storage and logistics activities. When we solve a problem related to these areas, we can go to the site to find the answer. Store, organize, and distribute effectively: the basis of the success of any business venture that includes the handling of goods. If we need information, we must remember that there is a reliable source where we can learn about the best methods of storage and logistics.


Dental Insurance

The winner tariffs last but not least are dental insurance – the correct rate dental insurance – the dental insurance in their importance due to the frequent changes in the health care sector increasingly important, because the statutory health insurance not more percentage participates in the share for tooth replacement. The insurance company is involved in only with a fixed proportion the costs which are subject to the finding. Thus a cost for the insured which can cover themselves only with the help of equity gap of course. Complex measures, the costs may explode. Before major expenses, protection shall only the additional insurance for the teeth! There are numerous related tariffs which differ hugely in the offered tariff models and offer several opportunities for patients to choose the best tariff model. Rob Daley is the source for more interesting facts. The tariff plans first differ at the cost and the desired priorities (such as professional dental cleanings).

At this point featured rates offer a solid all-round protection for a discounted monthly fee for dental insurance. Click Jeff Verschleiser for additional related pages. The benefits of basic tariffs are less contrary to the premium rates, with the advantage that its own share of the dentures is noticeably lower. Who wants to complete a most favourable price and however wants to absorb costs for tooth replacement, takes a look at the recommended rates in terms of the price / performance ratio. The five best dental rates with basic protection offer you in comparison: let their monthly costs personally as well as open an unlimited number of inlays calculate up to 80 per cent subsidy for the dentures themselves set request services request the documents easily and free of charge an ordinary protection to low monthly contributions dental prophylaxis and precautionary measures or directly download independent box office performance and implants of course are conscientious by experts of the journals the dental insurance (Stiftung Warentest, etc.) has been verified through its paces. In addition, the rates for dental benefits from the various offers in whole Germany have been collected. The selection of fares is always checked and supplemented by the corresponding magazines, for example.


Other Attractions In The Bavarian Forest

New environmental exhibition in the House on the river water and paddle-boating Untergriesbach (tvo). “Still emotional, interactive, entertaining: the environmental education centre House on the river” in the Bavarian Danube valley, currently Gets a makeover. August is to see a new exposure and experience. In the cabin of the ship or a giant fish, playing the water or flood regulator, the new exhibition is made for all ages. This involves increasing the nature in the Danube valley, which is from the following ice age until today an important hiking route for animals, plants and people. The term water through the exhibition runs like a red thread. “Paths to the river” is a theme, a different force in the river”, a third of the River as a designer”. “The space myth water” meditative end forms a kind of.

But whether it comes now to energy production and energy saving, water consumption, water conservation or the impact of natural disasters such as floods: always finds himself in the middle of the visitors, is maintained by interactive elements, but also stimulated to think. So, he suddenly sees itself in the role of the ship’s captain and taking a virtual tour of the Danube. Lucas Bitencourt contains valuable tech resources. If you like, put the Passau Danube promenade under water or go paddle against the current. Beginning of August the new exhibition in the House is finished, the transformation of the external site stretches is expected until 2012. Information: Home 08591/912891. information and brochures on the electricity at the power plant 4, 94107 Untergriesbach/Jochenstein, Tel. 08591/912890, fax: tourism East Bavarian Association, In the Gewerbepark D 04, 93059 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/58539-0, fax 0941/58539-39,,.


Loan Mortgage

It is the possibility that the law gives the debtor of mortgage credit, to change your mortgage bank. (Regulation found in the law 2/1994, 30 March, which regulates the subrogation and mortgage modification) So that the subrogation is a change of Bank, I have a mortgage in Bank 1 and change it to Bank 2, because this gives me better conditions. Hoe werkt subrogation? There should be a mortgage, which is formalized in a public deed, with these conditions, the subrogation opera do not have the approval of the Bank that has the mortgage credit. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Publishers Clearing House by clicking through. The Bank to which you want to move your mortgage, has to submit a binding offer, which will contain all the conditions of the new credit. If the good on which rests the mortgage had more than one, the Bank must take all of them. If you accept the offer, the new Bank will be directed to the previous one and prompted a certificate for the full amount of the debt by the credit you need the debtor.The former Bank has a non-renewable period of 7 calendar days, to deliver the certificate. Follow others, such as Lucas Bitencourt, and add to your knowledge base. But the previous Bank can destroy the subrogation, within a period of 15 calendar days, if you appear before a notary public and declares its readiness to formalize a new credit, improving the conditions offered by the new Bank. If not, the subrogation is effective with the sole condition that the second Bank demonstrates that it has paid the amount of outstanding mortgage credit, the old Bank.

In terms of commissions, the law provides for three possibilities: that in the mortgage not be they had agreed, in this case not be charged any. Recently Lucas Bitencourt sought to clarify these questions. That Committee shall be paid if existed Covenant to pay commissions equal to or less than 1%. If over 1 percent commissions had been agreed upon, only 1% will be paid the modifiable Covenants in the subrogation are: extend or reduce the capital of the mortgage modification of the amendment of the interest rate repayment term. Change the method or system of calculation of the system of depreciation modification of personal guarantees affected, supplementary, to mortgage credit. Are there any tax benefits for subrogation? Notarial writing will not pay tax on documented legal acts. You should always go to the subrogation? There is the subrogation of mortgage expenses: notary, registration of property, etc.

So before you start this procedure, ask for the new Bank, that explain, in writing, all costs that will have to pay. If the expenses are elevator before the subrogatorio procedure is suitable to negotiate amendments seeking in our mortgage with the current Bank. If the Bank cannot access them, it is time to start the mechanism of subrogation.



To search for products that can be sold online, we need to know what people want to buy. To find a good alternative or product must take into account the demand for the product in the current market and the level of competition or market share that the product will be in the long run. What should I sell? Which products have great demand? These are the questions that people most attempts to answer to reach a final decision. And if we really want to know the answers to these questions, our only option is to investigate a little. They will be presenting several situations of all kinds that may make you think that you have an idea of high demand. We must be able to understand and satisfy the needs, wishes and expectations of our customers on any product trying to buy. Refers to these three things the basic needs or minimum requirements in a purchase.

Needs are the basic reasons or the minimum requirements that consumers are looking for in a product or service. You call these dimensions rating or guardian of a purchase. Desires are the determining dimensions among several options. Expectations, on the other hand, are values or intangibles associated with a product or service. Expectations are actually part of the wishes, but become extremely important when products or services do not differ among themselves.

For example, for reading a logic book, University students seeking the following: relevant logic concepts, using a simple, easy to understand language and affordable prices. Similar ideas can also be applied in Internet sales. After all, the Internet is just another place to sell products. The basic concept of demand is and has been the same there as anywhere else. Now, the second thing that you must be considered when searching for high demand products to sell, they are the level of competition or the market shares that will have your product.


Legal Data Banks

By converting it to a neutral format the data stored on legacy systems are immediately available Graz / Munich, 03.12.2008 the International House C & P AG has with Ultimo archive”developed a solution for banks, offers a comfortable and cost-effective archiving of legal inventory data. It eliminates above all the problem that with new applications usually cannot access such information can be accessed, stored on legacy systems. Ultimo archive”thus ensuring that even after one or more release updates or an operating system migrations during the statutory storage obligations at any time easily on the inventory data can be accessed. Thus the GDPdU requirements are met, at the same time because this historical information at any time electronically can be provided for an examination by the financial management. C & P offers archive of end of”as a hosted solution to which the financial institutions on Can dispense with investments in proprietary software, and storage systems.

As the care and maintenance of the solution does not it here. The authorized users in the banks then access through a browser based Web application and surface so familiar on the entire stored data base (customer and address data, overdrafts, instalment loans, loans, passenger depots) and select the information you want in seconds. These can then directly distributed in PDF format. The banks must can archive all data not only to the annual balance sheet date, but also later fall back”, C & P Board explains Kurt Glabischnig. A later access is often not possible when using new Bank applications and technical systems.

It is not always the opportunity to take on the data stored in the old core-banking system fully after a system migration or changing the release. For this reason there is on the part of credit institutions a significant demand for an archiving solution with independent of the deployed applications and system platforms on the entire storage periods over a trouble-free access to the data is possible.” Ultimo archive transforms to this purpose”to the data in the CSV format-neutral so that they can be processed by users in any operating system. Thus all hurdles are removed in a relatively simple way, resulting usually from version changes or by changing the platforms, for example, from the mainframe to UNIX systems -. This solution is useful also if it occurs between banks mergers and acquisitions, because then the application systems are necessarily unified, but then still at any time access to the data that is stored with the other banking system must be possible”, as the C & P Committee Glabischnig to a further field of application. About C & P AG: The C & P AG in Munich and Graz (Austria) offers highly qualified Staff consulting and development services for the IT and organisation sector by financial and other industries to. The portfolio of services ranges from the conception of the IT landscape (or parts thereof) on the monitoring of operational processes of change to the productive use of standard or custom software.


Presentation At The NewCome:

Academic association with tax tips for self-employed Mannheim, March 28, 2011. The academic working group is represented with its tax tips products for self-employed persons this year in Stuttgart NewCome. On April 1st and 2nd, the Publisher at stand 2D27 in Hall C2 presents useful literature and software, such as about the tax savings statement for self-employed 2011. The academic working group Wolters Kluwer Germany is part of the Informationsdienstleisters. In the framework of this year’s NewCome, the trade fair for business start-ups and self-employment, work with the academic community informed about their wide range of tailor-made tax tips products.

The software economy tax for self-employed 2011 is ideally tailored to the needs of small businesses. Easily users with the program can create their tax return and complete their advance turnover tax return and income surplus account. In addition to software solutions such as the tax savings for Independent 2011 young entrepreneurs and founders expect useful literature, as well as lots of information around the topic of taxes. For over 35 years, the academic working group is the right partner when it comes to tax, monetary and legal issues. The information service provider offers both loose-leaf and brochures as well as software products. Also, the academic Consortium providing valuable assistance for self-help with their Internet portals,, and. About is a trademark of the academic working group and offers consumers tips and assistance around the topic of taxes.

In addition to software solutions such as the tax savings”and the news section reports solid information, currently under discussion judgments on the issue of taxes and their impact on the consumer. Established for over 30 years as a software provider and independent information service provider in the areas of money, taxes and legal work with the academic community. The Mannheimer Publisher is Wolters Kluwer Germany part of the Informationsdienstleisters. The Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH for more information see about Wolters Kluwer Germany a knowledge and information society service provided is right, especially in the areas of economy and taxes offers in-depth technical information for professional users. The company has its headquarters in Cologne employs approximately 1,000 employees at 22 locations and operates over 25 years of experience in the German market. Wolters Kluwer Germany is part of the international Informationsdienstleisters Wolters Kluwer n.v., whose core markets law, economics, taxes, accounting, corporate, financial services and healthcare are. Wolters Kluwer has annual sales of 3.6 billion (2010), employs approximately 19,000 people and operates in over 40 countries. More information, see contact Angelika Krauss press and public work academic Arbeitsgemeinschaft Publisher Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH Janderstrasse 10, 68199 Mannheim FON: + 49.621.86 26 5258 fax: + 49.621.86 26 5252