Patriotic daisy the adapter of the book was born in Brasilia, she was teacher during 25 years published 20 books between them many are assays and fictions for I publish adult to it. Its more famous workmanships are: ‘ ‘ in the trams of emoo’ ‘ ‘ ‘ all dumb one with Duda’ ‘ ‘ ‘ It leaves the front that comes gente’ there; ‘ ‘ ‘ it has enchantment in the yard and ‘ ‘ the war of known against the athletes vagais’ ‘. Its first workmanship of fiction gained the National Competition of Literature Ja de Barro in 2005 directed for publishes young to it. The book the ghost of operates involves a deep history of love that Erick that hid its face for being very ugly not being accepted for the other judged people being as I show if isolating of the world to run away from you criticize, making with that the reader reflects on the acceptance of other people and showing that all has imperfections plus this does not make our character and the person that in them we are, the love of the ghost also makes ticket of that any has feelings to put it led beyond what had and for being I accept for Cristine committed crimes scaring all being blind of more for seeing this. Erick shows the drama of a good person that it is judged by the saciedade and thanks to this if transforms into a monster showing the changes caused for these criticizes and for its isolation of the world which if incases perfectly with the reality in some aspects. In all the book only one aspect is disappointing which the author could to have at the beginning if gone deep more in the facts of the book and without playing the facts easily being able to dive in a great enigma of who would be the masked one and the reasons of it mask to use it, but when the reader obtains to dive in the tram the book it is more interesting mainly for the personages to be incased in the alias process and detailed well with strong and marcantes characteristics. Summary written for Luan Morony Simes, born in 1997 of April day 25, this to conclude 9ano basic education and this to at the beginning attend a course 1 average of 2012.
Tag: summaries and summaries
Critical summary of the Set of documents the History of the Things *Herclito Ney Suiter Summary: The present critical summary is on the called set of documents of 20 minutes the History of the Things, of authorship of the North American Annie Leonnard. In the video the author makes a boarding and an alert one on the system of current production, since the extration and production until the final consumption and its discarding. According to Annie, she has a narrow relation between the ambient problems and the social ones. We look for not prolongating in them on some ranks of the author not to be very extensive. This work is part of the bimonthly evaluation of disciplines of Management of Enterprises of Communication, given for the teacher and mestranda Sejane Brito Ribeiro. Word-key: Environment. Support.
System of production. Consumerism. Resumen: This revisin critical is en el documentary of 20 minutes llamado wool History Sews There, written for el estadounidense Annie Leonnard. En el video el author hace un planteamiento y joins warning on el current system of produccin, since there extraccin y there produccin auction el final consumption y there eliminacin. Of acuerdo con Annie, hay joins estrecha relacin between los problems ambientales y sociales. We deal with in thinking en algunas declaraciones del author of about the great being muy. This trabajo you are woollen woollen part evaluacin bimonthly disciplines woollen Comunicacin Gestin de Proyectos, impartida for el profesora y teacher Sejane Brito Ribeiro. Words clave: Surrounding average El.
Sostenibilidad. System of produccin. El consumerism. Postgraduate in Enviromental law and MBA in Ambient Management for the Facimab Par; Environmental Auditing will be the IEMA UK; After-graduating Communication in Crisis of Public and Private Institutions for Institute AVM BSB DF; Author of the book the conflict between economic development and ambient preservation; Academic of 5 period of the course of Social Communication Journalism of the University Center UnirG.