Alan Garci’a does not understand the Theory of the Games 8 June 2009 In my articles on Peru they will have read one and thousand times that emphasized the profits reached about the management of Alan Garci’a in the growth and economic development of the country. In spite of the admirable evolution of the Peruvian economy of the last years that has been worth to him that their national debt is described like investment degree, several Peruvian readers of Latinforme warned to me on the persistence of the existing social inequality in Peru, with a high level of poverty that does not yield of significant way in spite of the spectacular growth of the last years. I recognize that during a time I felt surprise by the low level of popularity that had Alan Garci’a in the middle of an economy that grew, was developed and attracted Inversin Extranjera Directa (IED). Now cranme that I create to include/understand clearly why of the resistance that its management causes in the town. Adelanto Special How to begin to invest in Stock market? Before nothing you need to handle the key tools to invest. He is kind to the next launching of our newsletter with recommendations of companies and to our educative reports of investment that will step by step explain to him how to approach their financial independence investing in the Stock markets. – It is certain that I understood then that the improvement in the level of well-being of the population had been very limited in view of how the capacity of generation of wealth of the country had evolved, although trusted that the improvement in the social welfare was going to arise from a little while to another one and of a significant way. . .