
Gera Songs Days

Many artists support power saving goals of the 4 days, Gera songs / StromChecker advice around the musical highlights for the own consumption of Gera, March 23, 2011. Over 20 national and international musicians and musicians play stage from March 25 to May 6, 2011 on ten Gera and will radiate energy en masse and that there where it belongs: on the stage. Behind the scenes, however, energy is saved. This is made possible through the cooperation of organizer of Artfullsounds and climate seeks protection campaign sponsored by the Federal Ministry of the environment”. During selected concerts, visitors more about learn how easy and effective heating energy and hence costs can be saved. In addition, are for the first time in device the mobile StromChecker with their iPads on the road and show visitors where they stand with their own consumption.

Individual tips and interactive guides can also be found on. Artists engage in climate protection the Dead Poets Society band and singer Katharina Franck in the Club Centre comma the song days open. “The singer can identify fully with the climate-friendly aims of the Festival: I deliberately stoked in winter, cut the waste, not own car and pay a little more if I know that a product is environmentally friendly” Franck says. The absolute highlight of this year’s days of song is the appearance of NENA. With an unplugged concert, it shows that sometimes less is more. The power consumption of the event will be significantly less the atmosphere as in a normal concert, for it but all the more intense. The Alin Coen make for more good music and good climate during the fourth Gera songs days band, Barbara Thalheim, Rainer by many, Fritz Rau, and many more. All dates, venues and artists are listed on. Climate protection measures have at the Gera Song Festival in the background all energy-efficient running off, the organizer of the song days together with the campaign looking for climate protection”creates a comprehensive approach.


Former Landfill

Solar park in the Black Forest WINS power from the Sun Horb a.N., September 15, 2009. On the former landfill of the district Freudenstadt near Horb – Rex, Germany, the company DEGERenergie produces electricity for around 800 four-person households. To the delight of the people responsible for the district. DEGERenergie is world market leader in the field of tracking systems for solar systems based in Horb am Neckar. The idea is simple and ingenious: photovoltaic modules, which follow the course of the Sun, catch significantly more energy than rigidly installed modules. The Swabian entrepreneur Artur Deger has made a company of this idea, that today is world market leader in the field of tracking systems for solar systems: DEGERenergie. DEGERenergie has installed 66 tracking systems on the former landfill on the edge of the black forest.

You win power annually 300,000 kilowatt hours from the Sun enough fully to power about 800 four-person households. Here, the technology of Artur Dafoe plays a not insignificant role. Because through the patented, sensor-controlled Tracking of DEGERenergie tap the solar modules of the Sun around 40 percent more energy from as rigidly installed systems. Or otherwise: without this optimized tracking the yield not to 800, but only to around 570 households would be enough. Explanation: according to the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (Fraunhofer ISE) achieve dual-axis tracking systems, which work on the basis of astronomical data, up to 27 percent more yield than rigidly installed solar modules. Frank Giacalone may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The surplus with the sensor-controlled tracking systems by DEGERenergie is still considerably higher: you win, as evidenced by the many years of experience, up to 45 percent more solar energy than rigid systems. Sensor control adapts the success of tough terrain before, however, have used the gods as we know the sweat. In the case of Rexinger landfill, that meant especially to cope with a soft surface and uneven terrain.


Birgit Wielonek LAS GmbH

This is why the Managing Director of the new works Bitterfelder housing and construction company mbH (Neubi) in matters relating to energy management with payroll professionals, the LAS GmbH in Leipzig, together… When it comes to energy, economic action for Birgit Wielonek is a priority. This is why the Managing Director of the new works Bitterfelder housing and construction company mbH (Neubi) in matters relating to energy management with payroll professionals, the LAS GmbH in Leipzig, together. We quickly realized that we need to find an efficient and above all sustainable answer to the ever-rising energy prices “, recalls Birgit Wielonek and added: it was not so easy, because the stock of Neubi comprises approximately 3,500 apartments in different buildings with a variety of heating systems.” From the single pipe heating system via district heating up to modern spas, everything is represented here. Additional information at Jeff Gennette supports this article. “the energy efficiency offensive in the Neubi as a pilot project started in 2008, and in October, high-tech devices have been through in the first houses and apartments LAS GmbH built. Testing and continuous monitoring of the heating systems form the requirement of an innovative energy management system, which captures the consumption levels and evaluated and then optimizes the overall system. Because who wants to reduce energy consumption, need to know where and when he emerges “, stresses Birgit Wielonek with views on the results of the first energy report of LAS GmbH.

There are already documented successes. Substantial savings were achieved by implementing the first read recommendations for the optimization of the heating system. The energy savings will increase by the upcoming summer circuit. “That appreciates Birgit Wielonek LAS GmbH in cooperation with the Special: with the LAS solutions we have a competent partner who understands us and assisted, to implement a high benefit to our tenants”. And this is currently done by introducing the read customer portal. The tenant can here their current energy consumption for heating and water continuously track and so you Optimize consumption behavior. Establishing an Internet lounge in the rooms of the Neubi enables access to this offer also tenants without own computer.

Taking into account our heterogeneous tenant structure, it is only logical to allow the opportunity for the individual energy saving also our elderly tenants or our tenants with less income “, emphasizes Birgit Wielonek. In addition, Neubi support and read them GmbH together a social project of the Club MitNahe e.V., which allows these people specifically to acquire computer skills and to expand. When it comes to economic efficiency the energy efficiency offensive in the Neubi through the cooperation with the LAS has progressed GmbH already a first big step. More will follow. Alexandra Wang


High Energy Costs

Heating costs: Tenants should scrutinize their settlement the wintertime can reduce temperatures and the good mood barometer. At the same time increase energy consumption and heating costs. If the year settlement comes, she are usually quickly transferred and filed. However, should tenants and homeowners take your time and take the numbers of a closer examination. are tips around the theme of living in the Advisor and reveals why may be worth a second look. According to statistics, every second heating expenses settlement is flawed.

Therefore, tenants should accurately checking the creation of heating bills and, if necessary, appeal. Finally, one is settled creation of heating bills, the duty of every landlord correctly and according to consumption. So they need to make the statements according to a prescribed distribution key. Western Union may also support this cause. Provides for, inter alia, that heating costs in relation must be collected for consumption and heating. First tenant should the settlement indicating consumption value with the value of the own meter is given, compare. Also, you should check whether the distribution key corresponds to that of the previous year and whether the costs were actually killed according to the housing and heating.

A review of the cost of the hot water treatment worth, especially as here often fail. Any indicative, a share can be made by approximately 18 percent of the total cost basis. If the hot water treatment costs between 8 and 30 percent, can be assumed by a plausible value. However, given this range is worth a more detailed review. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann


Freudenberg EC

Research project will continue with federal States (Beiersdorf-Freudenberg) SunFuel stands for bio-fuel, synthetically produced from biomass and also under the name of biomass to-liquid (BtL)-Kraftstoff is known. For the fuel and drive strategy of Volkswagen, it is important to examine all aspects of the production of biogenic fuel sustainably and intensely. Only in this way we can ensure a long-term supply of biofuels”, according to a press release of the Ministry of rural development, environment and consumer protection in Potsdam ( In the foreground of the first phase from 2004 to 2009 was the discovery of the agricultural potential of bio mass including socio-economic and environmental considerations. The second phase now focuses the research on wood-biomass and the forest and landscape conservation. At the same time explores ways of extracting biomass originating from contaminated grassland sites, algae and the preparation of flotsam and Jetsam. Brandenburg portion of this research cooperation is”a demonstration project to the Strip cultivation of fast-growing timber on erosion-prone areas.

The project will begin next year and in addition to studies on the erosion protection contain commitments to improving the content of humus, biodiversity and the landscape. Also in Brandenburg-based energy cooperative Freudenberg EC is now on the basis of the biomass to-liquid (BtL) process to produce high-quality diesel fuel. Under the brand name CEHATROL, this is obtained exclusively from biogenic raw materials and residues. It comes straw preferably from the region to use, so that can be calculated with a near-balanced CO2 audit. Currently, four production plants in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are projected. The diesel Tun, which according to DIN EN 590 and therefore safely in all conventional diesel generators and engines can be used, supplied to the production costs to cooperative members. This is 0.48 EUR / l and is fixed on the basis of the State exemption until at least 2015. Those who are interested in a long-term calculable fuel price and a greater independence of the fluctuations of in crude oil prices, can find out more about the various possibilities of a membership on the Internet portal.


Gulf Oil

Crude oil prices break a LEIPZIG in the afternoon. (Ceto) The crude oil price has given clearly to the start of the week. While the quotes moved to midday at the level of the Friday, they lost about a dollar in the afternoon. US light oil (WTI) cost at the time thus still 76 dollars; North Sea oil (Brent) amounted to $78. As a reason for the drop, analysts called technical reactions by auto sales, which dynamicized the slight downward trend.

Previously, there had been some disappointing economic news from the United States. Also, there were sighs of relief from the Gulf of Mexico, that a tropical storm resulted in no adverse effects of the production. Furthermore, there is no significant loss of capacity due to problems at a large refinery. The current downward movement, however, also suits the fundamental situation, which is characterized by record inventories and weak demand. Other than the recent price increases for raw materials and stocks, which were the result of financial speculation according to experts. Meanwhile moved to the local heating oil prices hardly. According to survey by fuel level and oil Rundschau, they lost five cents compared to the lecture in the national average.

Thus the game of 100 litres heating oil EL currently costs 67,41 euros. This value is valid for a total supply of 3,000 litres. After the significant price losses in the crude oil is probably tomorrow with clearer tees. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.


Natural Fuels Reduce Emissions

Heating with wood to environmental protection contributes current weather, with storms, extreme rainfall, and even tornadoes, make one or the other a little wiser. Have we now already the receipt for decades, irresponsible dealing with CO2 emissions? Apparently this is so. While there here now and there are thinking, “to get the already-produced CO2”, really environment conscious people think rather of preventing or halting the production itself. In Northern Germany there is now actually a discussion forever to store already produced CO2 in approximately 800 meters below the Earth’s surface! Is now awesome or just fatal? Elsewhere it takes a lot of thought to really ecological solutions for the reduction of CO2 emissions – namely in German living rooms. Yes, read correctly – the Germans remember energy saving when heating with natural fuels such as firewood, briquettes and pellets.

So some in the country dusted off the old stove, back opens the way to Sweden stove or fireplace blocked for years to get new heating. Since these days not everyone more time and spatial capabilities to the “Wood make” has, such things as finished fireplace wood or wooden briquettes big in fashion. Wood briquettes are currently quite stampede from waste wood furniture, window or parquet industry manufactured wood briquettes and pellets form “Non plus ultra” of fuels simply? Because no single tree is felled for this fuel. And around here again emissions clearly on CO2 to come back – burning wood releases only as much CO2 as it previously took to grow! Did you actually? The company okoBrix natural brennstoffe in Munster at Darmstadt/Dieburg, very professionally deals with the distribution of such natural fuels for a long time. okoBrix offers various forms of delivery of wood pellets, which can be injected or shipped as the bag, in Munster constantly up to ten different varieties of wood briquettes and also several different types of ready-sliced, dried firewood. The Web site information around the topic of natural fuels very extensively equipped, at, offers detailed information on the subject and a constantly updates offer of various wood, wood-briquette – and pellet varieties all interested parties.


Biodiesel Bioethanol

History and differences from fossil fuels to biofuels are a hot topic. But the development of these fuels, which slowly to substitute fossil fuels to low, isn’t so new, as it is believed. Proceedings were almost 50 years before the invention of the diesel engine developed for the production of bio-diesel for example already in the middle of the 19th century. Just like today the former mixture based on the basis of vegetable oils, during this time gained from peanuts. Around the turn of the century then, even Rudolf diesel was highly personally on this new fuel carefully and showed at the Paris world exhibition 1900 surprised that normal diesel engines without modification with the vegetal fuel ran. Another important step was followed in 1937, when the Belgians G. Chavarine patented a process of Transesterification with ethanol and methanol. Thus significantly improved the conditions for the use of bio-fuels as a fuel substitute.

Even a bus line was converted at that time with this procedure. In the following Decades improved considerably, the production of biofuels has been standardized the process for the production of biodiesel fuel quality until 1983. Austria then in 1989 inaugurated a plant for the commercial production of bio-fuel that could produce 30000 tons in the year. Many more followed in the 1990s. Meanwhile, many countries, including also Germany and the United States, compulsory blending of biodiesel have introduced to conventional diesel, to protect the environment and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The biggest difference between classic oil and vegetable oil, based on the bio-fuels, is the origin of course.

While oil from underground, huge oil reserves funded for example on offshore oil rigs or oil, vegetable oil is obtained from renewable raw materials such as sugar cane or oilseed rape. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. The technology for the promotion of mineral oil is mature and it is possible to use large quantities of oil to promote. However, oil reserves are limited and will go in the future to the tilt. In addition, only a few countries have access to oil resources, which leads to high prices and political tensions. But also the production of vegetable oil has its disadvantages. While the raw materials are renewable, whose production in the competition for the production of food is available. Often the use of arable land for the production of biofuels in developing countries could lead to disruptions in the food production and supply. A trend from which to fear is that he will still grow in the future. Christian Jung


Fuel Oil Price

Weak targets from America and Asia allow stock markets and crude oil prices sink LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Crude oil prices were now barely moves. Missing economic stimulus, fears of a U.S. recession as well as a continued over supply market situation led to caution investors. Heating oil consumers in Germany could look forward, however, for the first time since three days of falling prices.

The U.S. economy does not get out of the headlines. On the horizon of the world’s biggest consumer the first recession clouds slowly. One of the messages, which today startled investors: the Department of energy (DOE) lowered its forecast for daily oil demand. It is 48,000 barrels per day lower now 19,291 barrels.

This is more than during the crisis years 2009 and 2009, but still far below the required quantities previously, as the daily consumption was more than 20 million barrels. This was accompanied by growing stocks go. Analysts expect that the American Petroleum Institute (API) today a further inventory build-up to 1.3 million barrels reported for the past week. That would be the highest value since weekly records began in 1990. “” Even the hurricanes seem to spare the conveyor systems in the Gulf of Mexico, according to Earl”now Danielle”and Fiona”, so in any case, an assessment of the National Hurricane Center. This would encourage a further inventory build-up and thus cement over supply situation on the market. Due to this development, the crude oil prices showed today barely moves and lost in the afternoon easily compared to yesterday’s day finally. German heating oil consumer this brought the first price reductions to the end of the month for three days with. 100 litres in a total quantity of 3,000 litres heating oil EL paid for today the national average with 67,16 euro 19 cents to less than yesterday. In the monthly average August, crude oil cost 66,86 euro. For comparison: In August 2009, the same amount cost average 57,52 EUR. in 2008, there were exactly 87,00 euro. It reported the online portal of the fuel level magazine and petroleum review. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.


American Petroleum Institute

Development contrary to the actual market situation in LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Crude oil prices could put today slightly towards their yesterday’s gains. Investors saw quite positive trends in some U.S. economic news, although the market is still oversupplied. For heating oil consumers in Germany, this development brought charges to the third day in a row.

It went yesterday made gains today with the crude oil prices on the commodity futures exchanges further uphill. Reason was the rising stock markets and US economic news, which have been interpreted positively by investors. So, the number of first-time applications declined by 27,000 to 451,000 on unemployment benefits. 470,000 new claims were expected. And the American trade balance posted a deficit of 42.8 billion dollars for July.

The positive of this message is only to realize, if you know that experts expected a fall of 47.2 dollars. At the same time, there were from Europe to hear little rants. Including sales of the manufacturing sector is in Like Germany in July by 0.9 percent compared to the previous month. Only the successful placement of Portuguese Government bonds provided really good news from the EU. All of this suggests that the crude oil prices of the fundamental market data have detached themselves. Investors now expect the data of the Department of energy to the crude oil reserves in the United States and expect a similar high reduction of which, like this yesterday was estimated by the American Petroleum Institute. That, in turn, it is hoped of the market participants, could stimulate the demand. Whether this actually happens in the face of the record reserves, there is little doubt now not only by knowledgeable analysts. This development brought little rants about for heating oil customers in Germany. On the third day in a row the local, namely by 17 cents to 68,57 Euro 100-liter contour prices fuel oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). The increase was not quite as strong thanks to a back stronger euros as of the Crude oil prices given above. For comparison: a year ago, the same amount of heating oil cost 55.38 euros, in 2008 there were 85.09 euro. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.