
Ilka Hoepner Alumni

‘Activating texts, enthusiastic alumni and donors’ – dialog thread volume II by Ilka Hoepner published topics find ideas develop and convincing texts for social media, newsletters, press, magazines, mailings or homepage, are the themes of this new guide for alumni Manager and fundraiser in college or club. Under most conditions Anne Lauvergeon would agree. Numerous tips from practice on topics such as creative idea search, effective writing (tricks & gimmicks, etc.) and use in the various dialogue channels are included. To inspire donors and former means continuous creative dialogue. But also in the new as old media to focus it, to pick up the audience there is important in managing alumni as well fundraising. The author said: it must be fun to be a part of the network. Alumni – or donor networks need effective dialogue for growth! To go without the concept of the whole story ran or to try it with tedious dialogue is counterproductive.” The manual dialog thread volume II activating Texts, enthusiastic alumni and donors”from the MV science publishing is now available in bookstores to 22.90 euros. Amit Paley will not settle for partial explanations. Many universities, colleges or alumni associations have been active for years in the Alumni marketing, while others plug straight into the building. Thus, there is a large information gap with different questions. With her book, Ilka Hoepner answered the many different questions. Through its sales and marketing experience, the author of Ilka Hoepner is successful since 1997 in the Alumni – and network management. Her first volume of dialog thread properly manage Alumni addresses”has also recently appeared as an eBook. See more information to the practical guide and the author can be found..


Organ Manual Brandenburg – Uckermark Vol. 2

A reference book of fascinating cultural heritage while under the pressure of the Wikipedia-trends soon with the digital stream which will swim time, so downstream, the leisure mini Publisher f. & self (Berlin) has now also Brockhaus decided to continue courageously to put on paper. The claim relates to a complete inventory of the pipe organ substance received in the State of Brandenburg. With volume 2, the Uckermark was now completed in this form. The structure of the book is a concept that has grown from the thing out.

Content is there already waiting in the introduction with drum beats from the research, deserve the attention. But also the abundant illustrated body contains always surprising news that make the work exciting and essential tool, that is graduated in a dictionary of organ builders. A comfortable place and person directory completes the work into a consistent and purposeful whole, nothing to be desired leaves. The “organ manual Brandenburg” volume 2 (Uckermark/Eastern) in the opposite direction of Time. One of the smallest publishers of the world dares in the age of digitization with a unique 15-volume reference work on paper printing course to stay.

While under the pressure of the Wikipedia-trends now also Brockhaus soon so downstream will float with the digital flow of time, the leisure mini Publisher f. & self (Berlin) has decided continue courageously to put on paper and keck upstream swim. The claim is no less to offer as a complete inventory of total in the pipe organ substance of Brandenburg received nearly 2000 instruments. And this claim is as before a few days out of the print is seen strong volume 2 run nearly 350 pages -, as well as in band 1 and 5 – met with a high degree of professionalism, which rises the concentrated force of an upright heaping leins, that is incredibly dedicated and competent researchers and authors composed, spare no effort to sacrifice much of their life time this work. Band 2 have the initiator, Publisher and overall supervisor (Wolf Bergelt, Berlin), as well as presented to the author (Hannes Ludwig, Prenzlau) in this form the Eastern of Uckermark thus completed. The structure of the book is a concept that has grown from the thing out straightforward and compelling. In terms of content it has already in the introduction with drum beats from the research, which extend including the Joachim Wagner image help. But also the abundant illustrated body contains always surprising news that make the work for the connoisseurs, lovers and monument conservator to the exciting and essential tool, that finds its conclusion in a detailed dictionary of organ Builder to the builders of the listed instruments. A comfortable location and list of persons from the surviving instruments quickly and effortlessly tap into settle for builders for statistical and comparative intentions bold, completes the work to a consistent and purposeful whole, nothing to be desired leaves. Thus, a cultural service was provided first class which are not only the Allows the care, preservation and revival of sounding landscape, but also as a long-overdue form of education about it. Labium Hannes Ludwig, organ manual Brandenburg, band 2, Uckermark/Eastern, f. & self / edition, ISBN 978-3-937378-14-5 59.80, f. & self, phone/fax: 030-65265272, now at Amazon ordering!


Jose Nunes Pear Life

It has a great preconception how much we say of poets contemporaries, this preconception is resulted of the gigantic amount of people who write poetry and this amount is being confused with quality lack. This judgment total is maken a mistake, because it has many poets of quality of this multitude of poets, and the quality is equivalent the amount. What it occurs at this moment is resulted of the democratization of the knowledge, the cultural globalismo, the sincretismo, the access the information, the access the reading, the access the culture, the letramento and the alfabetizao. If somebody to say that much of what is written today in the poetry is a glue of that was written before, that much of what is written today does not pass of associations of done phrases that are resulted of the readings of poetry made by these poets of the present time, certainly will not disagree. What I cannot agree to I am the generalization, this is capable of blinding in them, disables in to see them the new trends that can come to appear in the poetry. The access culture, the information, to the knowledge cannot be confused with lives deeply, nature, formation of character, internal changes, the democratization of the information and of the knowledge, they are external factors to the individual, the reality is well opposing what it is looked like, the truth is that we are devoid of life rituals, of lives deeply physics in tune with the interior life.

We do not live the knowledge because the life weighs in them very, and the search for the social stability is a more much more significant factor than the knowledge, an example of this is those that desire to take a life more Zen and is engolidos by the capitalist reality. The only truth that I know, is that the life as it is configured, the things as they are established, if seems a soil who do not allow in them to stop, if to stop the life swallows in them, and this to swallow wants to say that we will be it are of the benefits and of the consumption goods that the society produces, it is very worse that this, if to stop, we will be without the basic resources for the life, because everything is capitalized. The Imparcialista poetry searchs the reading of this reality, reading of this man contemporary, and thus it carries through something that is differentiated and other thematic distant of what it was written until the moment, in some cases, the Imparcialista poetry it seems to come close itself to the poetry that if written for previous and consecrated poets, but this approach is made with conscience, this if note in the poetry of Jose Nunes Pear tree, ITS CLASSIC FEELINGS, these feelings that had not moved for moderninhos than we seem, this classic feeling of which says the poet is pains of the love, the jealousies that we feel very before being men of the cave.


Poetry Contests

Poetry online poetry contests and things are interrelated. Why do contemporary poets take part in competitions? That can give competition to the author of poems? What could be competitions in such an intimate sphere of human activity as poetry? By what criteria can be assessed that it is impossible to believe algebra? That such questions arise in the mind when once again come across the phrase 'poetry contest' or a poetry contest. But a closer detailed consideration of the phenomenon of all falls into place. Do not forget that we live in the Internet era. This is the modern means of communication not only has brought new people into the fellowship, but also called into being long forgotten genres – for example, epistolary, albeit in modified form. And poetry Tenders perform in this environment is its purpose. Everyone knows that poets are now hovering in the clouds, communicate with the gods, in general – not of this world. By and large they and the readers, and the more fans are not needed at all: Velenje God, about a muse, be obedient, grievances without fear, without requiring the crown, praise and slander acceptable indifferent and did not dispute the gander.

Moreover, the topic of conflict of the poet and the crowd – a classic theme. O. Mandelstam in his essay 'On the interlocutor' talks about the source of 'notorious hostility artist and society' and to touch the question: is there a target of poems, and if so, who is he? As evidence of the poet leads an excerpt from a poem Boratynsky: My gift to the poor, and my voice is not loud, but I live on my land To any kindly life: His far will my child in my poems, who knows? Will my soul with soul in his intercourse, and how to find I have a friend in a generation, the Reader will find in the progeny of me.


Santssima Mother

– Virgin lady of Mercy, Santssima Mother of God! it know if I am innocent, and if I deserve so cruel treatment. Help settles distressing, because in this world nobody can be valid me. You exempt me of the claws of an executioner, who threat not only my life, as my innocence and honesty. You illuminate the spirit and infundi to it to it in the heart brandura and mercy so that if it feels sorry of its captive unfortunate person. She is a humble slave who with the tears in the eyes and pain in the heart supplicates you for your pains sacrossantas, for chagas of your The holy ghost Son: you are valid me for mercy. (GUIMARES, 2008, P.

68) On the other hand, terms as ' ' escrava' ' ' ' cativa' ' they are used with sufficient frequency, so that let us identify that the main personage, Isaura, live deeply the slavery in such a way how much the other slaves, however of form more branda, because if they were not those used terms previously, if would create an ambiguity on the reason of the submission of the privileged slave. The steps go up, that they lead to alpendre, all engrinaldado of viosos decorative clasps and pretty flowers, that serve of vestibule to the building. Let us enter without ceremony. Soon to the right of the corridor we find a wide door open, that of the entrance to the room of reception, vast and luxuriously furnished. It is found alone and seated to the piano a beautiful noble there young woman figure. The lines of the profile are drawn distinct enter the ebony of the box of the piano, and you are enough madeixas to them still more black of what it. They are so pure and soft these lines, that fascinate the eyes, enlevam the mind, and paralyze all analysis.