
Internal Auditor

During the External Audit carried out by the Organization of Certification, we will have to credit type of documentation yet, that we are working according to the requirements of the norm. After finalizing this Audit, we will know if finally the company has obtained the certification or and also we know as they are the points in which this organization finds us weak, if the certification has granted us, we will have to correct these points before the annual audit which we will realise to continue having this certification, if they have not granted it to us, we will have to correct these errors to return to ask for the External Audit for the obtaining of the Certification. Once obtained the certification of the norm, they would grant a seal to us, that will indicate facing our clients and suppliers that we are satisfying all the requirements of quality demanded by the own norm. After obtaining the certification, the norm demands that we have at least an internal auditor who realises throughout the year internal audits to the company to know if we are really fulfilling norm before the Auditor arrives from the Organization Certifier. During this process, we have seen, different figures, first of them is the expert consultant or in quality matters, the one that carries out the implantation of the norm. In order to carry out this implantation it is not necessary to have any type of degree, if it is necessary to have the knowledge to be able to carry out it, fulfilling all the requirements of the norm. Another figure, that can be the same person is the internal auditor, this person yes needs a specific degree, the degree of Internal Auditor in Systems of Management of Quality according to the ISO 9001:2008.

Habitually, this figure is the same that the previous one, the person who carries out the implantation, is the same that carries out the audits. This degree can be obtained realising a simple course of few hours, or if it does not have knowledge in the norm through a specific Masters in the matter. It completes figure, that we have seen is the External Auditor, this is the one who must have major degree, this must to be Auditor IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors) for it, must have very ample previous knowledge in the matter of this norm, labor experience and finally pass an intensive course. Therefore, if not yet you know nothing about this norm and you want to be able to carry out implantations or audit, the first step is formarte to know the norm well. If you need more information, you do not doubt in contacting with us.


Source Ideas

On the one hand, you can focus to an aspect that to You interests to him or knows. He can be about knowledge acquired through the experience, of reflections of the thought or fruit of conversations with other people. Having a personal newspaper, can be a valuable aid for such aim. If by opposite, You are going to develop a subject on which she has little information, is necessary to realise previous investigation to have basic ideas that they will help to develop the content him. For this, he literally transcribes the most important passages of a text, takes notes from his own impressions and ideas and finally he copies the data of the source of the consulted information that soon he will use to mention in his own text. A notebook of notes would be a good ally if it is going to realise previous investigation. (We are preparing an article on the correct form to mention a source, which we will publish in a new delivery).

Selected the subject already, we enter matter and we see some useful techniques of pre-script. Before nothing, is necessary to indicate that not yet we are going away to focus in the content, we will realise which it more ahead. What it interests to us now is to know how we can obtain valuable ideas to develop a specific subject. Technique 1. Rain of ideas. It consists of writing down the ideas and details that come to us to the mind, after to do questions to us on the subject that we are going to try. These questions include the following: What? , When? , Because? , How? , Where? and Who.

Technique 2. Diagramar the ideas. It consists of relating the ideas that come from the previous technique, with others. For this, we can use circles, lines, colors or simply write down in another sheet of paper the groups of ideas that are related to each other, separately.


Through Education

Through the bibliographical research it was intended to explicitar and to construct to hypotheses concerning the reading and writing, improving the ideas, basing the subject on boarded question in the research. For in such a way, this type of research involved a bibliographical survey, which had of being made in diverse sources, searching to consult respectable and brought up to date workmanships. Also of the qualitative research by means of the comment in three agricultural schools of the municipal net of education. The subject in question is particularly motivador a time that, being involved in the work of the reading and writing of the education in the field in multisseriadas classrooms, exerting the position of professor in one of the schools of the municipal net of education of Manoel Vitorino-BA, I feel myself engaged, not only with the improvement of the quality of education, but also with the improvement of the attendance of the children of the education in the field, but in more good searching understanding of the process of the infantile development and its relation with the world making readings and interpreting the different vises of world and the universe of the studied texts. Through the research on reading and writing, I observed that until little time she was given to importance only reading and writing, but today is understood that the reading of the world precedes the reading of the word, therefore by means of the accomplishment of studies that had been developed by famous theoreticians in this field are understood that the act to read all the information to the life in society is necessary and passed to be valued as something essential to the development and formation of the autonomy of human being. The studies detached the importance of the reading and the writing for the integral development and formation of the identity of the man in society.


Municipal Museum

Between the conserved materials mortars stand out, pottery, boleadoras, ends of shoot with an arrow, break heads; counting in addition on works pertaining to Indians to the Argentine north and Mexico. Animal samples that conformed the habitat of the native; ceramic, a paleontological section and a select exhibition of armament of the military of our past, are of attractive the more forts of the museum. Also there, they are the first programs of the bullfights realised in the monumental Bullring of the Real one of San Carlos. The museum in himself does not have defined primary target, since in him, besides the innumerable samples that we emphasized, appears a collection of embalsamados birds, another one of vinchucas and butterflies; without leaving of side the maps and opulent fans of the time. In the paleontological room, it exists an armor of Gliptodonte and a found skeleton of Lestodonte in the zone. Its interior suggestive and is embellished by a fine decoration. The visit to the Municipal Museum becomes unpredictable, because it calls to find to us us with tracks of an ineffaceable past of this River plate corner. Museum of the Tile.

Where the Stroll of San Gabriel and the Street of the Missions of the Tapes are united, is a Portuguese farm with more than three hundred years of life in which the time has not worn away its forms and their mouldy roofing tiles. An impressive tile collection, is there, where the first facts in Uruguay in 1840 stand out, along with others of French and Catalan origin. The same was inaugurated in 1988. They are conserved original, great part of the floors and walls. His restoration was a cultural investment realised by the Citibank, that has contributed with a perfect fusion between the architectonic mass and the nature, having conferred to him a particular harmony to its facade and surroundings.



ARTICLE CHILDREN OF the LAND we are generated and created in the Land, place where we are born, we live and we die. But in we ask and something to them in the uneasy one: For where we are going? That planet we had when being born? That planet we will leave for the future generations? They are fidgets that follow in them already since much time, but the answers are far from being given. Many factors take in them to believe that the way that we are treading (a time that we are all responsible ones for the planet where we live) is a way without return. Quality of life searchs all the cost, but for this we indiscriminately consume natural resources that, ' ' saibamos' ' , they are not infinite. We generate each time more substances pollutant cousins and products without in giving account to them nor asking in them: for where walks the humanity? That place is this where alive? Which my participation in this so important trajectory of the human development? They are frequent fidgets that make in them to reflect (or at least it would have) how much the all we, without exceptions, we are responsible for defending and taking care of of the planet. To consume simply already is not sufficiently, always wants more – induced that it is, for a market alienator advertising executive stimulated by the Capitalism, justificativo for the necessary Economic Development according to great economic groups dominant detainers of the power and the biggest wealth of the globe. We are fruit of a time of great technological and industrial development, we are part of a great teia of scientific advances, that in them place as co- participant, co- responsible of this immense ambient degradation. We have many times the impression of that we do not belong to this world, that it is not ours, that we are lodgers, perpetual debtors of the natural goods that would have responsibly (they must) to be of all.

It is transferred idea of that it has plus who can more. The known war of values where I am recognized for what I have and not for what I am. Land? our planet, good of all, responsibility of all. We are children of the Land and it who is our great house, must well-taken care of respect. Daniele Mendona Pedagoga – pupil of the course of Psicopedagogia of the State University of the Cear? 2010.


The Social Rights

On the other hand, as the rights they are also a form to say and to nominate the order of the world, as well as legalizing the game of the relations human beings. The Social Rights in the Primrdios of the Capitalismo1 With social rights in the primrdios of the capitalism came the increasing development deal of it international in century XV, as for the market economy and consequently from the European manufacturing capitalism, a economic contrast originated enters the economic growth of the city and impoverishment of the diligent classroom. The work lack if generalized in the Europe Occidental person from century XVI, in result of this process, great part of the campesina population if dislocated for the cities I who culminated in an increasing index of unemployment, consequence beggary, vagrancy and misery. Factor this that had come to cause great concerns for the detainers of the power, leading to the same ones to take measured the example of prohibitions of circulation of idle people for the cities. Ahead, in 1601, Elizabete Queen lowered law, called Law of the Poor persons, that compelled the parishes to be become responsible for the sustenance of the poor persons. Another one thus, the same law looked for to give work to destroyed in the substance supply the cousin (wool) so that the same ones could produce and to vender soon they could be supported. However in 1603, another law was formulated, which restrained the vagrancy, ordering to mark iron with great ' ' R' ' all the dismissed people, and if these were relapsing, were condemned the death or still, baniz them it force for colonies beyond sea also was a form to decide the problematic one. In result of the growth each bigger time of the capitalism, studious the example of Thomas Mun and others, had pointed, that the solution was not in the banishment, and yes, that all were ranks to work receiving a value below from the value of market, making possible its support, and consequently would be contributing for the enrichment of the country.


Spirit Skills

His skills powers of attack and attacks with fists are distributed between (knuckles). Ringmaster: This class stands out by his skills of support or better called buff long play. They are dedicated completely to support of another player: they cure, they give buff and only they own skills of attacks of assist (before lvl 60), and in 80 level powerful skill call Merkava Hanzelrusha with which he is able to kill monsters in AoE (Area of Effect or attacks of Area of Effect) Magician: In level 60 it is possible to be chosen between Elementor or Psykeeper. Elementor: Most powerful, the worse defense. Teachers of the five elements (air, earth, fire, water, ray), their abilities infringe the majors damages to the enemies. His skills is based on the magic of these five elements. They use twigs (staff). Psykeeper: Good magical attack, conventional defense.

They can be of several classes (builds), the most known are: Crucio (full STA), where you will have a massive amount of HP and you will be worth of the attack of your enemies to raise of level; or to be full INT and to mount hard attacks using your Spirit bomb and leaving immovable to the enemies with Satanology. They use barytas (wands). Acrobat: In level 60 it is possible to be chosen between Ranger or Jester. Ranger: The one of but attacks, conventional defense. Teacher of the arcs. His skills is based on improving the attack of the arcs.

The specialty of the Ranger is Bloqueo, since it owns a high percentage of rate of blockade, using 3 AoE can kill in great amounts without undergoing many blows by its high level of Blockade. A variant of this class exists, the Yoyo to ranger. They are to ranger that they use yoyos like arms, taking advantage the properties of this class. Jester: Good attack, good defense. Teachers of I-yo” s. His skills I-yo” am based on improving the attack of; s and to give complements them like poison. They attack short-distance.


Good Company

Nevertheless, there are people who to them become very difficult to be successful in this type of business. The reason: all the companies are going to say to us that they are the best option, for this reason, we must be informed well than the company it offers to us, since we do not have to forget to us that we are going to enter a world of the business that a principle we do not know, and that we must adapt to the modern era. – I would like that we stop ourselves to think a little while. It compares the present society with the one of only 15 years ago. Day of today, people are themselves crushed by amounts of announcements, telephone supplies, promotions, calls to her house, etc. The present market is saturadsimo of information and every time more options exist to choose thanks to Internet. An intelligent entrepreneur knows that the success is in itself, but also in the quality and the effectiveness of its systems of work and knowledge In these times, to have a serious, powerful business and with sustained growth, the presence in Internet is necessary to consider seriously and the dominion of certain professional techniques of marketing.

If no, we do not have right to call &quot to us; profesionales". In this guide I am going to show to you why Internet is that full sea of fish where you have always dreamed to fish, and I am going to also show to the abilities and concepts to you of marketing that will form your network of fishing and multiplied the results that you have at the moment in your business. Internet has created a completely new world of opportunities of business for all, that allows us to turn an idea in a profitable business by a very small price.


Pain and Suffering?

The pain is inevitable, but the suffering is optional. (Buddha) the misunderstood pain is doliente. There are many types of pain and all almost enter a group that would be the one of the unnecessary ones. To the margin of the physical pain, undeniable, to which I will not talk about more, the other pains can be avoided and is quite debatable their utility, and the necessity to undergo them and to feel attacked by them. In principle, the pain always takes place not to want to accept a reality that does not please to us: a drastic change, a sentimental separation, the loss of a loved being, to see of an undeniable way a reality that we have denied during long time, undesired emotional blows, that happens something that we did not want that Sabemos happened how to appease the physical pains, but we do not know how to alleviate this pain. It is a pain mental, or emotional, or of the soul, but it can end up having a physical form. It is pronounced like an indescribable slowness, a downheart, an uneasiness, a pesimism, a black veil that covers whole numbers to us. The necessity prevails to discover clearly the reason of that pain, and to solve the origin. To face which is, and to reason it, to feel it, to include/understand it because we know that we have tendency to somatizar, (unconsciously to transform a psychic affection into organic) and a pain without physical origin can end up pronouncing itself like a disease. If we were able to admit that the things are as they are and come as they come, and that we are not the guilty in the majority of the occasions, and we have although it we do not have to allow that they damage, to know this to us would have to allow us to a rest and an unloading in the pain.


Industrial Revolution

Of the Industrial Revolution, To the industry of the Sidewalk. Century XVIII in them left a pollution torch that is not erased and if propagated each time more for the planet water that if consumes and if industrial degrades in way to the industrial pollutants since that called revolution who if augmented in search of modernity, the progress and the capital. In those gone it was the burning of the mineral coal that more polua air with tons of pollutants that the European population had that to initiate and to make bitter this damage come on behalf of the progress. Today, more and more complete carbon dioxide the respiratory cycle of the world that we can call it cycle of the materialized development. Our health each time more has suffered the maleficent effect from this pollution generating, lacrimao, alrgica rinite, asmas, bronquites, inflammatory irritation of the skin, infection in the eyes, processes in the circulatrio system, heat in the mucosa of the throat, and other illnesses, mainly on to the respiratory system. In this system already materialized with gauzes, – carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, pollutant are originated from the fsseis fuel burning (gasoline and diesel), spread from the great cities, which are responsible for the illnesses of the respiratory device of inalados the human being when being. Leaving nose and looking at for streets, in garbage accumulated in strips of land and same in sidewalk, are inconveniences that would have rigorously to be prevented by the responsible occupants or for these property, that have very would have to be citizens the infraction and fine for the power I publish that more it seems to occupy with the lucrative fines of the infractors I transit of it, – when the mosquitos generated in the garbage cantons also kill frequently. A to be considered aspect aiming at well-being of that they live in the cities, mainly in the great metropolises, is the fact of if not being able to walk with certain comfort and security for the sidewalk destined to the pedestrian, having the dissabor to put the foot in a hole or to have that to deviate for the track of cars, as I was witness of the fall of an aged one that it stumbled at a esburacada sidewalk having been attack of a twist in its ankle.